Chapter 29

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When morning came 'round, andwe started out, Stefan made a point of avoiding everyone, especiallyLúthiel. As we started off on our horses, Anders caught up to Reifand I and whispered, "How are you feeling this morning?"

"Better," I sighed. "Thankyou."

"Please don't lie to us,Stasia," Reif said nuzzling my neck.

"You once told me it was unfairto dip into your partners' mind," I pointed out sadly.

"Perhaps I over exaggerated,"he said.

"Yes, well..." I didn'teven have the strength to continue my teasing. I sighed heavily.

When I remained silent, Anderssaid, "Oh, I don't like that."

"Look, Lunda is three weeksaway. Just let me get through all this Drust business, then I'llworry about what to do with Stefan," I begged.

"I'm not worried aboutStefan, luv. For all I care he can fall off a cliff. It's you I'mworried about. Some of the things you said last night, they scaredme, Ana," Anders confessed.

"And your speech helped, truly,but I need some time," I said. "I'll be ready when it'simportant."

Thankfully, Anders did not pushthe issue. I kicked Chaser to a trot to put some distance between us."I am sorry things have turned out as they have, Stasia."

"I'll be alright," I keptsaying, but I wasn't sure I believed it.

"Anders tells me your faith isshaken."

"Just a little self doubt." Ishrugged.

"I've never known you todoubt yourself before," he puzzled.

"I just wonder, is Stefan'slife truly my fault? When we met, he was happy, almost reminds me ofAnders." I smiled. "His world fell apart when he fled with mefrom Malourne."

"He most likely would haveperished that night when Compton attacked your home," Reif said.

"I rebuffed Compton'sadvances because I was with Stefan. Maybe, if I had been some normaltwittery priss, I wouldn't have wanted to learn weapon skills andStefan and I never would have spent time together. Then when Comptoncame around I would have submitted like I was expected to. That nightnever would have happened." I was on the verge of tears again. Itwasn't natural for me to be so emotional.

Reif opened his mouth to speak,but the next voice I heard was Stefan's. "You didn't ruin mylife, Ana." I spun to see he had guided Spitfire up close behindWar Chaser. "You saved me, just like you saved everyone here."

"I..." Reif didn't let mefinish.

"It's true, Stasia. I waslonely, hateful, barely able to pass for human. I killed who I could,like a dog digging in the garbage for scraps. When you came along, mylife turned around."

"Ask anyone we travel with,joining your company has improved their lives," Stefan added.

"When you have hearing as goodas ours, you tend to pick up conversations not meant to be heard,"Reif confessed. "Trust us when we say, you don't know everythingabout our companions."

Stefan nodded his agreement. "I...h-had no idea," I stuttered.

Reif wrapped his arms tightlyaround my waist. "You do more than you know. Don't forget that."

Stefan fell back, leaving me andReif alone. I thought about what they'd told me. I never guessedthat any of my companions had ulterior motives for following me. Ijust figured that once this was over, we would all go back to ourlives. I wondered at what they could be hiding, but I knew I wouldn'tpry. If anyone wanted me to know, I would find out.

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