chapter 1: Waking up

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Naruto's pov

I woke up a little hot, it wasn't that bad so I don't pay attention to it. I took a cold shower to make it go away then headed off to the bridge that team 7 meets at. While on the way to the bridge I kept getting a bit hotter. It was weird, this never happened before.

When I got to the bridge the only one there was Sasuke teme. I sat under a Shady tree, trying to cool down. We didn't talk so I just sat there for a while, starting to doze off. Until I heard Sakura say, "Hi Sasuke kun."

I jump up and walked to them. "Hey Sakura chan," I said in my normal happy voice, though I was still hot. "Go away Naruto, I don't want to talk to you," she said. "Come on," I insisted. "I said go away," she yelled getting ready to punch me in the face. Luckily that's when Kakashi showed up and distracted her.

"You're late," she yelled at him. I breathe out a sigh of relief. "But Sakura I'm not late, you're just early," said Kakashi sensei with his closed eye smile. That was a good one, I thought.

"Okay team, your mission is to clean out the trash from the ponds," he said. Well, at least it's in the water. "Naruto, aren't you going to complain it's not good enough of a mission for you?" Kakashi Sensei asked. "Well of course it is not a good enough of a mission for a person as great as me, I shouldn't have to say that for you to know," I said enthusiastically. "Shut up already Naruto," Sakura said. "Hn," was the only thing Sasuke said.

Sasuke's pov

We've been on the mission for a couple of hours now. Naruto has been acting weird, he's been working slower than usual and he seems uncomfortable. He also hasn't been flirting with Sakura or fighting with me. Although he still complains that it isn't a great enough mission for him so I guess it isn't that bad. He's such a dobe.

Sakura has been too grossed out with having to pick up trash to came and talk to me. Though I'm glad she's not talking to me but she's right some of the trash is disgusting. I had to pick up a diaper.

Kakashi sensei is sitting on a tree branch reading his porn book as usual. That's really all he does when we're doing missions like these. He only does something when we're on important missions.

. . .

"Since you all did such a good job, why don't I treat you three to ramen," sensei asked us.
"Yay, ramen," Naruto yelled.
"I can't, my parents want me home early today," Sakura said sadly.
"Whatever," was all I said.

Naruto's pov

When I got home I stripped to my boxers and laid on my bed. I had gotten much hotter than I was in the morning. Not even ramen made me feel better. Is this what a fever is, I never had one before so I don't know. I just hope it will be gone by tomorrow.

I hope you liked it. I hope it wasn't to bad for my first story. There will be more yaoi the next chapter.

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