chapter 2: "Drugged"

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Naruto's P.o.V

I woke up burning. It was the worst thing I ever felt. Maybe I should ask Kurama what's wrong. He should know. I went to where Kurama was at. 'What's happening to me, Kurama. Why am I so hot?' Be quite kit, you're too loud. I looked up to his cage. He was in the same pain as I was. 'Kurama, why are we so hot?' He grunted and looked up at me. We're in heat. Heat? What does he mean heat? 'What are you talking about? What is a heat?' You're such a child same time. I pout AWESOMELY. 'I am not a child' Kurama rolled his eyes. A heat is what female animals get when it's mating season. 'But I am not a girl.' Your Harem Jutsu must have mixed things up, so because of you, I have to be in heat. 'I'm sorry, I didn't know that would happen when I made it. I didn't even know you were sealed inside me at the time.' That doesn't matter now, what matters is that you don't see any other jinchùriki for a month. 'But, why' Foxes are in heat four months out of a year, December to March(don't know if that accurate) but since you're human you'll only be in heat for a month. Since your in heat like a woman you'll smell like a female in heat and because of that a male jinchùriki will be attracted to you even if it's not their mating season. 'Is there a way to stop it?' I don't think you will like it. 'Just tell me.' You have to mate or have sex with someone. 'Wait, you mean that thing that pervy sage writes about and what Iruka Sensei told me not to do until I'm older.' Yes. 'ew' And with the heat being this bad already you most likely won't be able to mate with a girl because you'd be in too much pain to do anything. That is if any girl would what to mate with you. 'Hey, plenty of girls would love to mate with me.' I looked at the ground trying not to show how much the heat really hurts. 'So what am I supposed to do?' You could try to wait it out but like I said it will take a month. 'But that's too long.' You could try to jerk off. Naruto's face became super red. 'I've never done that before.' I mumbled. Well, those are your only options. (sorry if this part was a bit too long, I just felt like no one talked this enough)

I looked at the clock and saw that I was talking to Kurama for an hour and a half. Should I just not go? No people would be suspicious, I never had a sick day before. But people would still be suspicious if I'm acting weird because of the heat. Aaa, what should I do? I don't want people to know about this. Besides, how am I supposed to tell them I'm having a sick day, somebody would have to come over to get me for me to tell them.

After stressing about it for 30 minutes I accidentally fell back asleep.

Kakashi's P.o.V

I want to where my team meets at but saw that Naruto wasn't there. I jumped down to where Sasuke and Sakura were at and Sakura started to yell at me for being late. "Yes, I'm so sorry but have any of you seen Naruto?" I asked them. "I haven't seen him today," Sakura told me. "The dobe probably slept in," Sasuke replied. "Well, since you're so nice about it why don't you go get him and see what's wrong," I suggest. "Whatever," he says and walks off. "Sensei, are you sure that's a good idea, you know they're going to fight," asked Sakura. "Yes I know but they need to learn how to work as a team," I told her.

Sasuke's P.o.V

Once I got to the dobe's house I knocked on his door but there was no answer. I sigh. "That dobe," I mumbled. He's is still sleeping. I jumped to his window and slid it open. His bed was right below the window so I just leaned down and shook him. When he didn't wake, I slapped him.

"Oww Sasuke, what was that for," Naruto yelled at me. "You're late," I stated. I saw him sweating really bad. "I can't go today, I'm sick," he says. I feel his forehead to check if he has a fever. Once I touched him, he becomes more hot and sweaty. "Hn, I guess you do have a fever."

Sakura's P.o.V

After a while of waiting, we saw Sasuke kun walking towards us. "Sasuke kun, where's Naruto," I asked noticing he was not with him. "He's sick so he's staying home," he said in his amazing Uchiha voice.

"Well, this mission needs all of you so I guess we need to hold it off until Naruto feels better," Kakashi sensei told us. Naruto, why do you always ruin everything. I saw that Sasuke started to walk away, "Sasuke kun, where are you going?" I asked him, but he said nothing and kept walking.

Sasuke's P.o.V

I can't believe that dobe is stopping us from going on a mission because he's sick. I turned down usuratonkachi street. The only thing I can do is help him get better faster. I walked up to his door and opened it quietly not wake him so I can prepare some food for him when gets up. Idiot, not locking his door. Then that's when I started to hear moaning.

I froze. Wh-what is that? My face becomes a light pink. Is the dobe touching himself? I then became really irritated. He lied to me and said he was sick because he needed to pleasure himself. That usuratonkachi, I'll never let him live this down. Besides if it was me he'd do the exact same thing. I walked to his bedroom door. I opened the door quietly to see the dobe reaching his climax then cumming everywhere. Uhh, why am I getting a hard-on? I guess a lot of people would after seeing someone masturbate. (or get disgusted, probably how I would feel) Naruto started to close his eyes and pant heavily. He looked a lot better than when I saw him earlier. Must've just been horny.

I walked into his room and stood right in front of him, trying to keep my eyes up from his exposed lower region. I can't believe he's even a ninja. "So much for being sick," once I said that his eyes shot wide open. He looked confused, embarrassed, scared, but most of all he looked like he was in pain. "Sasuke, what are you doing here!?!" Naruto yelled pulling his underwear up and blankets over himself, burying his face into his knees.

"Kakashi sensei said he needed all of us to do the mission so he held off on the mission until you got better. I came over here to help get you better faster so we can do our mission." He didn't say anything, just stared at the ground. "So are you going to tell me why you were selfish and didn't go altogether?" I finally asked him.

"You got it wrong," he yelled at me, trying to defend himself. "Got what wrong?" I asked, "That you horny and didn't want to go on a mission so you made Sakura and me suffer." He looked up at me, wincing in pain at the sudden movement. "That's not it," he yelled at me. "Then what was it," I yelled back. "I was drugged."

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