[04] seeing an apparition.

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w o r d s: 1564

p a g e s: 5

Seeing the Dark Matter at a college party really through me off. It's been a week and I'm on the phone with my mother trying to figure out why I saw it. "I don't know mom; it was nothing like I've ever seen" I shudder. "What did it look like?" the urgency in my mother's voice is nothing I heard before. "It was like a mist, a dark grey mist it told me that it wanted Ethan mommy" I say writing down everything that happen. "Did it say why?" she asked. "He said that Ethan needs to watch his back" I shudder again. "Hm" mom replied. "Is it a..." I trailed off. "Demon?" she finished for me. "Yeah" I say. "I'm not sure, baby" mom sighs. "I'm sorry" I say. "Don't be, I'm going to speak to Nana and see what she says" mom replies. "Okay, how can I protect E though?" I asked. "You don't" mom flatly stated. I sigh. "I'm going to call Nana ok?" mom says. "Okay" I say. We exchange I love you and hung up.

Apparition Sighting Number 58

I never told you, to whoever is reading this about the Dark Matter. Nothing is really happening; it hasn't shown since the frat party. I think Ethan is more freaked than I am. I think it was bluffing but who knows when it comes to Dark Matter? It wasn't a ghost; ghosts only appear as white mist or a full person. A Dark Matter comes in black mist or a dark grey mist which is scary to think about. I didn't even know I could see Dark Matter. Mom was freaking out when I told her about this. But good news is that she's talking to my Nana so I hope she knows what the fuck is going on.

Until next time,


I stopped writing as a knock rang through my room. "Coming!" I called stuffing my journal under my pillow. I put my long hair in a high pony and answered it. The person at the door was my best friend. He looked disheveled as all hell. "E? What's wrong?" I asked letting him in. "It's him" he pulled on his hair. "The Dark Matter?" I asked as he sat on my bed. Ethan just nods. "What happen?" I asked. "When I was sleeping, I felt someone watching me, not my roommate... something different like supernatural-esque. Anyways, when I woke up only my side of the room was trashed like a tornado hit it" he shivered. I felt my eyes wide. "Damn, did it leave anything?" I asked afraid of the answer. "Just this" Ethan lifted his cobalt shirt. There were scratches, not just like a tiny scratch he looked like he was attacked by a grizzly bear or a big cat. Four long, long red deep scratches ran along his back. "Holy shit, Ethan" I gently ran my fingers across his back. "Yeah" he flitches as my tips touched his skin. "I'm so sorry this happen to you" I say taking a picture of his back. "It's okay, we are in this together Ady" he put on his shirt again. I smile softly.

We talked about everything that happen. Now we have a much bigger problem. A dark entity coming for Ethan and helping a sweet heart like Alice. It's stressful, so stressful. I don't know how to contact Alice and ask her about the entity, I just don't want to freak her out and not trust us anymore. I could use the Ouija board but you can never trust who will pop out of the board to talk to you. "God, I can't believe this is our lives now" Ethan says after a while of silence. "Yeah, I mean this IS my life you're just in it for the ride" I laughed. "Okay yeah, but I'm part of your life, therefore it's my life too" Ethan looks at me. "Okay, you got me there" I say. We have class in two hours so we decided to go to the café and get a shit load of caffeine. I grabbed my phone and my bag then we headed out. Snow was slowly falling. Everyone was bundled in winter entire. Some in shorts and short sleeves, which I have no idea how they are surviving. "Fuck, it's cold" I say instantly shivering. "Yeah, I hate Michigan" my best friend says.

We finally reached the little café which was super packed. It's always packed, even when it's a blizzard like today. We get our usual and go sit at our usual table. The silence was so comfortable, we just listened to our peers chatting about a party tonight and gossip about who slept with who. "So, what do you have today?" Ethan asked. "Lit and Mathematics, what about you?" I asked sipping my coffee. "Chemistry and Musicology" he replied also sipping his coffee. "Nice" I say looking at the outside world. "Are you okay?" my best friend asked. "Yeah, just drained from all the... you know" I say. I've been up all night researching Alice and where her children were buried if they were, no luck whatsoever.

We finished our coffees and made our way to our classes which was right next to each other. "I'll see you after class" Ethan says after our embrace. "Yeah, totally" I nodded. "Cool" he smiled and walked to class. Our Lit Professor wasn't there yet, probably with another professor. The whole University knows about them. "Adylyn!" a classmate and a fellow Sensitive called. I waved and walked to him. "Hey" I smiled. "Hey" he smiled. "So, did you find anything else?" Jeremy whispered. "No, sadly it's so hard to find out where they are" I yawned. "Well WWDASD?" Jeremy asked. "What?" I look at him. "What Would Dean and Sam Do? You know, from Supernatural?" he asked. "I never seen it" I shrugged. "What?!" he exclaimed. "Sorry" I laughed taking a mental note to watch Supernatural soon. "Sorry" I say again. "It's fine, we sooo have to watch it!" Jeremy puts a finger in the air. I laughed getting my stuff out.

Soon enough, our Professor came in with her hair a mess and her blazer disheveled. Some stifle a laugh some whisper to each other like we are still in high school. "Wow, Prof. Soto really went at it with Prof. Scott, eh?" Jeremy whispered. I giggled. "Morning class" Soto clapped her hands then fixed her long shiny blonde locks. "Morning" some peers say and just like that; we began lesson. It was boring, so boring I almost fell asleep until Jeremy nudged me and I follow his brown eyes to Alice. "Alice" I whispered looking at her. She nods her head and smiled softly. "He's got them, be careful" Alice moan cried. Goosebumps formed deeply on my tanned skin. The Dark Matter has Lena and Charles; Alice's children. Who knows what happen to them? "I'll get them" I whisper. She nods and walks away fading to the outside world. "That was insane" Jeremy whispered. "Yeah" I looked outside the window there was no one out there.

After my classes, I waited for Ethan to get out. I was writing in my Apparition Journal to pass the time:

Apparition Sighting Number 59

I saw Alice again in class today, she warned me that the Dark Matter has them. I don't know why it has the children. She looked so petrified, whoever it is, it's bad news. Jeremy who's also a Sensitive saw her too. I'm pretty sure he never seen an apparition before because his face turned a sheet of paper. It was quite amusing. Anyways, we have another problem the Dark Matter. We; Ethan and I haven't seen it in a while. I hate not knowing where they (Charles and Lena) are or why it took them. Maybe leverage? Who the fuck knows to be perfectly honest? Okay, that's it for now.

Until next time,


I close my notebook when I felt someone sitting next to me. "Sorry, Ady" Ethan laughs. "God, you scared me" I nudge him smiling. "Again, I didn't mean too" he laughs swiping my journal. "Whoa, you saw Alice?" he looked at me. "Yeah, Jeremy too" I say. "Jeremy? Oh, the other Sensitive" Ethan nods. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure he never seen one before" I laugh as he hands me my journal. "Really?" he asked getting up and I do the same. "Yeah, he was a sheet of paper" I laughed. "Dang, poor kid" Ethan says. "Yeah" I nod. We walk to the library to do some more research. I don't know if there's any more information about Alice and her kids. We've been going over and over those few news clippings from the Librarian. "I need a break to do homework" I say rubbing my temples. "Yeah, same" he does the same.

We spent a few hours goingover homework and try being normal college students for a change. My mind wentto Alice's face. She looked distraught, so distraught. I don't even know how to comprehend losing a child, your child well children. I want to help them; I do, but I'm losing hope slowly. Ethan is still so determined to find my childhood friend and her brother. I envy that he's so focused on something that interests him so much.

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