The Headmaster

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Fleur are you in here I have been told you are with a Hermione Granger” the lady says. I can see the panic in Fleur's eyes.

“Who is it darling?” I  ask completely confused on the voice knowing it was not someone from this school.

“It is my headmistress, Madame Maxime”.

While that was happening I was reaching for my wand that was just out of it. Getting it quickly to be able to transfigure our clothes on I just finish speaking it when I’m not able to move anymore. That’s when Madame Maxime shows herself with her wand pointed at me. Fleur immediately goes on the defensive standing in front of me.

“What is this filth doing with you Fleur” Madame Maxime says with a hateful glare at me.

“She is not filth! She is my mate! You harm her and you will regret it!” Fleur was fuming at Madame Maxime. Maxime shocked at what Fleur just said and done allowed for her to recollect herself and assess the situation better. I saw that she realized what Fleur said, I thought she was going to undo her spell but she just turns her back and says “Follow me” I start to float towards her. I look at Fleur making it seem that she needs to calm down or she could make everything worse, she understands and calms down. I have to say it was a good thing that I got our clothes on when I could because I don’t think Maxime would have stopped for me to put on my clothes. That would have gotten me more stares than now, I wonder if fleur would have been jealous. I could feel my face make a smirk while I thought of it.

After a short amount of time in silence I realized that we were heading towards Dumbledore's chamber. This means one of two things I'm going to get yelled at with detention or because it's a special occasion a quick break down of when it is appropriate to get a grope in. Ha, like I would grope her in front of people I would just leave hickeys for people to know who she's with.

Getting pulled out of my train of thought by being in front of Dumbledore's phoenix statue with it chirping at me when Maxime gives the code to the bird allowing for us to enter. Also allowing me to now know the code being lemon drops. We are greeted by Dumbledore looking as if he expected the sight of me floating in occurring.

“Ah, Madame Maxime what a pleasant surprise I see you have brought your top student with you, Ms.Delacour, and Ms.Granger I did not realize that you would already be here on the first day I have to say that is a new record for you.” He gave a slight chuckle when speaking to me.

“Dumbledore now is not the time for frivolous conversations.” Maxime says while letting her spell going having me fall but with my increased reflex's I caught myself from crashing to the floor when my feet touched down balancing my weight quickly. Fleur than wrapped her arms protectively around me.

“We need to discuss the nature of these two needing a new room for themselves.” Maxime continues.

“With all do respect Madame we would have been fine if you didn't barge into Hermione's room earlier” Fleur says with a hard reflect when saying you towards Maxime. Leaving her slightly angry at Fleur's tone towards her.

“Yes Ms.Delacour but if you would notice I'm trying to fix what I did wrong at the time by making it so you two don't have to have separate rooms for this year.” Maxime exclaims with an apologetic tone to it.

“Why would they need to share the same room?” Dumbledore questions with a raised eyebrow and a smirk I can see forming, knowing he already knows why it would be best for us.

“Hermione is my mate and due to us not completing our bond earlier and this being our first year it is harder for us to be separated for long periods of time.” Fleur says still sounding irritated about being interrupted earlier.

“Ah yes I have heard of newly mated pairs or in this case newly accepted pairs needing to be within a range of each other so they don't go attacking the people around them.” Dumbledore says while turning to grab a book in his reach already opened to the page he wanted.

“But I'm afraid that there is no room currently free to move to, by the end of the week there should be one set up. So until then I believe Fleur can sleep in Hermione's room now as long as nothing happens and as long as Hermione's roommates allow her to.” Dumbledore states making a pointed look when saying nothing happens making me angry that I can't claim her yet.

Maxime contributes “Hermione is allowed to come and go in the carriage also stay over if Fleur's roommate allows also.” Fleur's face brightens hearing that.

“We also need to contact both of their parents to let them know what has happened” Dumbledore says grinning at me, causing me to grumble at having to see my parents so soon and if they stay longer than one day meaning I'm going to have to workout with Mom again.

“Yeah alright I'll contact my mom she'll tell my dad probably meaning that there going to arrive in a day if I do it now. Do you think your parents can get here in a day so they can meet mine Fleur?” I say hoping they can so my parents don't stay too long.

“It would probably take them a day also, by floo, they would just want to stay longer if they could” Fleur replies back, making me realize that my mom would want to stay longer too, shīt, 100 laps here I come.

“Of course they can stay longer we will have rooms set up for them to stay in for when they come by. I'm going to assume that would most likely be tomorrow afternoon.” Dumbledore says making me realize something.

“If there rooms are going to be ready by tomorrow why is Fleur's and mine not going to be ready till the end of the week?” I asked quite confused.

“There's always guests rooms lining the halls for guests but never another place in a hall that is not already filled with a student and you both are students I can just be handing them out to everybody now.” He makes it seem like it's the most logical reasoning for us having to wait a week.

“That's a great reason, thank you for having me wait a week to finish our bond, really thank you. Now if you don't mind I'm going to go tell my parents I found my mate.” I say sarcastically while walking out with Fleur right beside me.

A/N: I have nothing to really explain for why I haven't uploaded anything for this story for a few years now but I'm going to try to finish it with a good ending to it. If I don't have anything posted for next week send me messages that brings me back to the story and focuses me on writing.

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