Meeting my Parents

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After getting back to my bed I passed out instantly with all of the excitement that happened today.

Time Skip

With my anticipation to see Fleur again I woke up close to 5:30 I decided to start getting dressed even though it won't take me that long. By 5:45 I left the common room and started to head down to the carriage. Getting there at 5:55 seeing Fleur just walking out of the carriage. We make eye contact, I see happiness spread in her eyes when it happens positive mine are showing the same thing.

"Bonjour ma belle, how did you sleep?" Fleur says

"All I dreamed of was your face so it was wonderful. What about you, precious? " I respond as I take the last few steps closing the distance between us.

"I missed you and I was anxiously waiting to see you again. My parents are arriving around 10 by the way. Now where are we going to watch the sunrise?" Fleur said grabbing my hand and giving a chastised kiss to my lips.

"Have you seen the owlery yet?" I jokingly say knowing where she was yesterday.

She just looks at me with a smirk knowing that's where we are heading. We start walking back to Hogwarts enjoying each other's company.

Time Skip

We get to the owlery just in time for the sun to start peaking over the ground making the surrounding clouds a rainbow of colors, going from a dark blue to a vibrant pink hue and then orange spaced out between gradually becoming almost a blinding white yellow being the sun. I turn to see Fleur looking at me instead of the sunrise giggling when I see a blush start to form on her cheeks. I kiss her on the cheek, we turn back to the sunrise leaning on each other taking in the scenery in front of us, every now and then hearing a chirp from the owls around us. Since it is monday we have to go to breakfast soon even though Dumbledore gave us the okay to miss class breakfast only last so long before we have to wait for lunch and that's not happening but we can give it a few.

Time Skip

Glad that breakfast doesn't end till 9 there were not many people left in the room because most classes already started. As soon as we sat down though mom came bursting through the doors spotting me instantly giving me a giant hug as dad just started to make his way over to us.

"Hello darling I know it hasn't been that long since we have seen you but still the news of your mate is so exciting I didn't think you would be finding them so young but this is amazing!" my mother says squeezing the life out of me.

"Dear, don't you think that we should introduce ourselves to Hermione's mate and let the headmaster know that we are here" my dad pulls my mother off of me, finally being able to feel my arms again.

She turns around realizing what she didn't do, "Honey your right I completely forgot to welcome her to the family." She reaches for Fleur, who got up from the table during the conversation, she wraps her arms around Fleur while Fleur starts to laugh at the woman being so friendly.

"Mr. and Mrs. Granger, it is a pleasure to meet you. I am Fleur Delacour" Fleur starts to say as she reciprocates the hug, "would you both like to join us for breakfast?"

"Oh dear we would love to, let me go talk to Professor Dumbledore really quick though." Dad says stepping around us and heading to the Professor's table. Before even taking another step the bags he brought in disappeared, realising Dumbledore sent the luggage to my parents room after a glance up to Dumbledore.

"Wow always a step ahead that man" Mom responds to Dumbledore's actions, " Well almost always, let's get to eating shall we."

Sitting down and starting to plate food on to them.

"Before we talk about us being mates do you think we can wait for Fleur's parents to show up so we don't have to repeat the conversation." I say before starting to eat before my stomach jumps out of my body.

"Hermione, who do you think we are? Of course we would wait. I want to meet the mother of my future daughter-in-law along with us needing to talk in private about our heritage." She whispers the last part to us, starting to chuckle making it seem like she told us an inappropriate joke knowing that being here can increase the possibility that we get found out by everyone. The good thing is that they know I am Fleur's mate and that even if you are not part creature you can still tell when you meet your mate you just don't know why you have such a strong attraction to that person even with just a glance of them. We continue to eat and wait for the Delacour family.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2020 ⏰

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