The Transformation

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Hermione’s POV
My mother and I go out to the backyard and she tells me to sit, so I do. She sets up what I believe to be a barrier around our backyard without a wand.
“This barrier is to make sure no one see us or what we are going to do. Also later on in training, you will be able to do magic without a wand.” My mother explains to me.
“Now transforming into your dragon takes a lot of effort and focus so you might not get it on your first try. Try now.” She ordered happily. I sit on the ground thinking of a dragon and I breath deeply and concentrate on my pulse to stay calm. I feel like I can see something in the distance of my subconscious which is pulling me toward it. As I get closer, I can start to feel a mixture of hot and cold temperatures coming forth from the direction I am going towards. When I get close enough I start to see a figure appear that is huge compared to me. As I come up to it, it looks at me with unabashed eyes but with determined silver eyes and what seems to be a red teardrop, blue teardrop, than lastly another red teardrop that ends the pattern on its forehead. The dragon opens its mouth as though it is going to eat me whole but then starts to breath fire. I think I'm going to get burned but instead the fire just surrounds me in warmth. I start to hear someone talking to me and I look over and it is the dragon saying “My name is Feuer Und Eis you can call me Element though because this is German for fire and ice.” I nod silently. He continues to speak “So you would like to transform into your full dragon form than be a person of power? After all, you are to be the next queen of the dragons.” I stare wide eyed at him and he asks “Do you accept or decline?”
I shake my head happily saying “I will gladly accept that power. Also, do not worry, I will take good care of you.” He looks at me with happiness in his eyes and then all of a sudden I'm not there anymore instead I'm looking at my mom. My mother has wide eyes staring at me looking extremely shocked. Hmmm...I wonder why...
It takes her a second to regain her speech but after a while she exclaims, “Honey, you realize that you transformed on your first try, right? You look absolutely magnificent. You even have the family crest on your forehead too.” I feel so alive when she says that I'm in my dragon form. “I guess that is the teardrops I saw on Element’s forehead” I think.
“Hey mom can you get me a mirror to see myself, please?” I ask.
“Sure sweetie just give me a sec.” She conjectures one up in front of her. I look at myself in the mirror and I look just like Element but instead of silver eyes I have my brown ones. I stand up on my hind legs and my mother tells me to transform back. So I focus all my energy to my human form and then a second later I am myself again but I seem to be taller than before and naked. My mother gasps. Looking at her she is looking down so I look down my body and gasp too. Sitting between my legs is not my normal vigina I’m looking at an eight inch dick. I’m surprised that I feel normal and that I have not screamed, but it seems right to me looking at it. As I think about it my mother gets me some clothes to put on.
“Well it looks like you have a female as your mate.” My mother says snapping me out of my thoughts.
“Mate?” I ask inquisitively.
“Every dragon has a mate. Your father is mine.”
“So they do not have to be a dragon?”
“No that would be harder to find because we do not keep track of where dragons live anymore.” She says sadly. “But enough of that let's go get you some new clothes before we train again.
---several hours later---
Coming back with many clothing bags in my hands I go to my room and dump them on the ground, heaving a grunt. My mom tells me to rest for the rest of the day because tomorrow we start the real training.
Being shaken awake by something, opening my eyes to find my mother staring grinning.
“Rise ‘n shine hatchling time for training.” She says excitedly.
“Now I’m a hatchling? It’s time for training already.” I say the last part begrudgingly.
“Yes and you better be down in five to eat breakfast.” She says walking out quickly. When she opens the door I can smell bacon cooking, so I jump out of bed running to change my clothes and sprint down the stairs sliding into my seat at the dining table. The food is all set out and I start to pile my plate full of pancakes, waffles, eggs, and lastly bacon. My plate looks like Ron’s before he eats it, I would not be eating like him though. I start to eat relatively slowly but still fast enough to have my parents give me questioning stares.
“Honey, you might want to slow your eating or you will get cramps while practicing.” My mom gives me a nervous look. This makes me take a second to eat slowly like I use to eat but I realize that I was eating like it because I feel so drained of energy.
“Hey mom is there a reason as to why I feel so drain of energy.” I ask curiously.
“Because you had your first full transformation it drains a lot of energy on the first one but after a period of time it does not.” my mother replied. “Now hurry up and get outside before the sun goes down or I'm gonna have you run 54 laps around the house.” I finish eating my breakfast and sprint to catch up to my mom. My mother looks at me.
“Change into your dragon form” she says slightly amused. I do as asked it still takes a lot out of me from concentrating but I transform into my beauty. My mother looks at me skeptically.
“You realize that you're gonna transform back without your clothes right” she says smirking.
Fūck I think about what is gonna happen later.
“Also get going you're going to be running 30 laps to get your muscles worked up then we're gonna get your magic flowing with some simple transfiguration by changing a lamp into a horse” I stare at her my jaw hanging open.
“Why do I have to run 30 laps to get my muscles worked up shouldn't it be 5 laps” I ask with pledging eyes.
“No you have to do 30 or I will increase it by 5 every second you do not start because you will not be strong enough to rule the dragons” she pursed her lips in dismay.
“How about subtract 5 for every second” I say hopefully.
“1...2...3” I turn and start running.
“4...5” I still hear her counting so I start to run faster.
“Stop mom I’m running, I’m running” I scream to her and she stops counting at 8 seconds I hope she doesn’t actually have me run those.
---An hour and a half later---
Once I finish running the 30 laps mom made me run the extra 40 laps that I gained from having her count up to 8 seconds. The last laps I was crawling to the end with sweat rolling down my body like a waterfall crashing on to the ground.
“Good job, not passing out on me with the warm up run. You will be doing more tomorrow” She says smiling at me when she pats me on my back I fall on the ground.

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