Chapter 1

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The crowd went mad with ecstasy as their favorite idol Jung kook performed on stage. His stage presence was unbelievable. It was as if some sort of demon possessed him. He was performing his latest single,"fire", and fans were all for it.

Jung kook was a goldmine for his music label, Monster Music Entertainment. He had it all. Looks,body,charm,charisma, and a voice that put angels to shame. Plus he was shagging his boss.

As soon as he finished,he thanked his fans who'd made sure the concert was sold out. They'd also made sure that the music video had topped the charts for over a month now and he knew that of it weren't for them,he wouldn't be this successful. Putting top artists like Ariana Grande to shame with awards and huge fanbases.

He was now rocking with the creme de la creme of the music industry. He couldn't believe it,yet here he was. Sometimes he felt that this was a dream and he would wake up in that shabby old house going to bed hungry,all because that sorry excuse of a father had drank all his wages away,not caring for the fragile boy.

He ignored all his manager's calling after going back to his stage room to get the car keys to his red Ferrari. He was 21 now,driving a Ferrari,living the American dream. But things weren't always like this. Oh no. The boy had been through hell and back to get to where he was now.

16 years ago

In the boring state of Minnesota,arrived the Jeon family. A mum, dad and four year old boy called Jeongguk. He was shy,quiet and kept to himself. The parents being immigrants from South Korea didn't have much and settled for minimum wage jobs and when little Jeongguk became of age,he was sent to school.

He wasn't a bright student that much was true. But he was street smart. Not that anyone knew that either. See,while he didn't talk much he observed. He learned,and he minded his own business. He knew that his neighbor's wife was fucking the plumber downtown when her husband left for work and this he used to get free money for candy.

At school,Jeongguk found it easier to befriend girls than boys. When the boys tried to tease him for it,Jeongguk simply threatened to tell the teachers he'd seen them looking at girls under the bleachers. The little guy had a way with people's minds and knew it.

As he grew older,things started to change. His mother,who worked as a waitress decided she'd had enough of living like a peasant and soon found a rich man whom she eloped with leaving behind a note. That was how hell started for Jeongguk. His father was furious,humiliated. He took it all out on the boy. He started drinking more each day and became a shell of the Nice man he once was. He blamed Jeongguk for all his misfortunes and the boy took to hating him as well.

At ten, Jeungguk had his first kiss from a girl. He hated it. He knew he was different for liking boys instead of girls but he didn't care. He instead marched over to his crush and smashed his lips to the boy. He got suspended and got called a faggot by his classmates but he sassily replied," Yea now go choke on it you brainless fucks!!!!"

He however regretted it since his father or sperm donor as Jeungguk fondly referred to him as,broke his arm that night for being a faggot. That only made the boy hate him more and his whore of a mother. He hated them both. As they came from the hospital Jeongguk listened to Prince for the first time and for once he had a dream. He had a purpose.

At thirteen he was completely wrecked. He hated everything and everyone. He was ignored at home and at school. But as he listened to Prince on the cassette every night he promised himself he wouldn't die here. He wanted a better life for himself. At night he'd dream. Fancy cars,clothes,homes. He wanted it. As he slept hungry on the dirty blanket in the attic to escape the stupid cunt of an old man,the dreams in his head made his belly full,his body warm.

At fourteen,his father had had enough of the brat when he found him on the kitchen floor getting fucked by two older boys. Truth was, Jeungguk had to find a way not to die of starvation. He knew he was a total babe. Prettier than most of the basic sluts at school. So Jeongguk fucked their horny boyfriends on the side for some cash. The look on his father however told him he wouldn't survive this one. So together with the boys they ran.

He finished fucking them in an alley and he weasled double the cash he usually got from them. He slept inside an abandoned building that night and ran away when he heard a bunch of hobos coming his way. He wasn't stupid. He knew what they did to loners.

Remember that part where Jeongguk was street smart? He was. He heard from his side pieces that there was this drug dealer who picked young homeless kids and kept them for sex. Jeungguk could do sex. So he went to the corner the next day and just his luck. The guy,an older guy saw the pretty boy and opened his Cadillac for him. Jeungguk got in and the guy was surprisingly nice. He set him up in a flat with a roommate. Park Jimin. He was an orphan and was an underage stripper. The guy who'd take them,Johnny,was nice enough. He especially liked young boys.

Jeungguk was ok for about a year . He and Jimin were somewhat friends and Johnny gave him a roof over his head,clothes and meals. It was more than he'd ever had in his miserable 15 years. He however a problem when Johnny started bringing his old pals over to watch. He knew what would soon happen and he didn't want to wait around for that. So when Johnny was drunk,Jeungguk snuck into his safe,stole all the stacks of money he could count,two rolexes,two silver chains and fled.

He was tempted to ask Jimin to join him but what if the guy turned on him and sold him out? He couldn't risk it. So with stolen goods and a dream,the young boy went on his way to Hollywood.

His shitty past behind him,he could taste the glorious future on the tip of his tongue.

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