Chapter 8

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How is it so hard to enter into awards here on watt pad? This was my face after my tenth failed attempt

How is it so hard to enter into awards here on watt pad? This was my face after my tenth failed attempt

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Anyways moving on with my story that idk what the fvck am even writing at this point😂.



Jung kook woke up the next day feeling disoriented as hell. The drugs always did this to him but it was way better than seeing a shrink. He had munchies so disregarding his diet plan,he headed over to the fridge and made himself the most unhealthy meal he could come up with and wolfed it down. He prayed to his lucky stars that he was alone today but apparently he didn't have any because Namjoon decided to stroll in the kitchen like he owned the house. Well he did,but that's not the point here.

"What happened at Taehyung's event?" Namjoon asked hitting the nail on it's head.

I fucked him and then panicked and left. But of course he didn't say that out loud.

"Nothing ," Jung kook tried to brush it off.

"Cut the crap Jung kook. What did that bastard do to you so bad you had one of your episodes?" Namjoon asked getting angry. The effect of that was to turn Jung kook on.

Calm thyself,he said to his oncoming boner.

"OK fine,I saw someone there that looked like my cunt of a mom. She left us for some rich prick when I was younger. There,that's what happened," he knew his sad sob story would keep Joonie away off the topic and stop anymore questions.

Like magic, Namjoon's anger dissipated and he looked at him with tenderness in his eyes. This was better. There's no way he would know about what happened now. He knew how Namjoon worked and if he wasn't satisfied with his answers he'd look for them himself.

They left together in a better mood,well Namjoon was in a better mood. The guilt would take a while to fade away. The got to the company and parted ways. He went to practice and prepare for his tour next year and Joonie needed to see how his other artists were doing.

At dance practice however something happened. A guy came in and dropped off a bouquet of expensive looking roses. Jung kook's face paled. This is what he was afraid of. That Kim Taehyung wouldn't be satisfied with one night. His hunch was right,the flowers were from the billionaire.

With them came a note attached.

Sorry for the sudden intrusion but I wanted to apologize for what happened that night. Am really not like this,but i don't know what came over me. Do you maybe want to grab dinner sometime?

Jung kook snorted at the words. What did the guy think he was,stupid? He tossed the flowers in the trashcan and went about his day. He knew mind games all too well to be easily fooled. The guy was inviting him for another sex session. The sex was the best he'd ever had. He was rough with him just how he liked it,but Jung kook had a future to think about. Which was what Namjoon handed him on a silver platter.

When he was signed into the label,Namjoon was so smitten with him he'd agreed with her every request and gave him an amazing contract. Taehyung was a billionaire. Sure he had more money than Namjoon,but he was a certified playboy. Spotted with tons of partners every week. His money wouldn't be of any use to Jungkook if he was dumped for another beautiful face. He'd be a laughing stock and he'd lose more than a partner. Namjoon had his future in the palm of his hand.

Brushing those thoughts away Jung kook put all of himself into his work. He loved his job,to make music,to dance,to sing. It gave him a sense of control he never knew he had. He appreciated his fans for loving him. Even when they found out he was gay as hell. They still loved him.

Later in the evening Namjoon called him into his office and once again he tensed up. Shit had the billionaire informed Namjoon on what really happened. He was shaking by the time he got to his office but calmed down once he saw the happy face on him.

"Well buddy you're about to be very,very rich." Joonie beamed.

"But am already rich," Jung kook innocently retorted causing Namjoon to give him a stank face.
Oh how he loved that dumb look on him.

"Not the time for your brattiness Koo. You have a gig on an opening of a hotel in Vegas,three weeks from now," Namjoon explained.

"How much are they paying?" He enquired.

"Twenty million,"

Jung kook whistled lowly in response," Are you sure they aren't drug dealers?"

He was joking but he didn't see the tensed look on Namjoon's face. The hotel was infact owned by a drug dealer. Whom he had a past with. The Call was the last thing he'd expected from his old friend Jung Hoseok. He'd wanted Jung kook to perform at his hotel and Namjoon knew he couldn't refuse. He didn't want the boy to get caught up in his messy past. That's why he'd worked so hard on his company. He never wanted to go back to that life but somehow it was calling him again.

He hoped it would be just one gig and then he'd never have to see his old friend ever again. Jung kook wasn't the only one with demons in his past.


A few days later after word had gotten out about his high end gig,no one noticed the cleaning lady get kidnapped and her replacement was a young woman with huge tits named Leah.

The plan for abducting Jung kook was in motion. Leah was the informant on what went down in the company. That day in bed with Mark she told him of his schedule she'd sneaked around to acquire. It gave Mark all more reason to kidnap Jungkook.

However what his little team of idiots didn't know was that he wasn't planning to share the money with any of them. He had it all worked out. They'd help him kidnap Jung kook for ransom on the day after his Las Vegas event,he'd ask for the money and once he got it he'd escape with the money.

Whatever they'd do with Jung kook didn't matter to him. If anything,if the little shit died,it would be the perfect revenge in his mind. He couldn't wait for it. But for now he would bid his time and work out the knots in his diabolical plan.

The idiots had of course no qualms about the risky plan to abduct a celebrity for money. Once they heard the figures mentioned,they were all in. Yugyeom was a bit hesitant being such a scaredy cat but after a little convincing he was in.

Mark had a back up plan just in case. He'd let the three take the fall if they failed and he'd go into hiding. Either way,nothing was going to come between him and his money. He smiled as Leah went down on him. He'd finally get to live the American dream.

How he wished his crack whore of a mother who belittled him and let her pimp do all those things to him could see him right now. She was probably burning in hell and Mark didn't care one tiny bit.

He let out a sigh of satisfaction. Things were finally looking up for him.


Dun dun duuuuunn. Cue the evil music. I love writing these psychotic parts of Mark😈😈
We'll get deeper into Vkook in the next few chapters so don't worry i definitely got this.
*coughs* not.
Any who thanks for reading and don't forget to vote por favor. XD

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