Chapter 6

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Jung kook was running on the Caribbean sand with Taehyung when his phone rang and woke him up from his blissful dream. He really didn't want his dream to end but the shrieking of his phone pulled him out and he picked it up in annoyance.

"What," he grumbled without looking at the caller ID.

"Whoa easy there cowboy. Am just worried you didn't come home last night," Namjoon said on the other end.

The guilt started deep in his stomach. He wasn't a cheater. And frankly he didn't know what came over him last night. But he knew it was a mistake he couldn't make again.

" I went out for some drinks after my performance and booked a hotel. I'll be over later," he made up a lame excuse.

"Ok,call me when you get home alright? Love you," Namjoon replied.

"Love you too," Jung kook said back. But the words burned the back of his throat as he said them. Great. Now he was a liar too. He hang up and sat up in the luxurious bed that was Taehyung's.

His prostrate hurt like a bitch but he didn't mind. Said Taehyung was still asleep as Jung kook looked over to his side. With guilt overwhelming him,he got out and quickly put on his clothes and looked around for something to disguise him. He didn't even want to imagine what the papers would say if they saw him sneaking out of a yacht.

He found a Gucci cap and glasses in a wardrobe and borrowed them. He then left and thankfully the driver was still there. With a flushed face he got in the car and gave the guy his address. He then allowed his thoughts to run. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! He couldn't lose Namjoon. How could he be so stupid.

He wished this was a one time thing. Yes he had to be an unintentional one night stand. Besides he and Taehyung would probably never even cross paths ever again. Sure the sex was amazing. He was everything Jung kook had ever wanted but not enough to risk everything he'd ever worked for.

Namjoon gave Jung kook a kind of security he'd never had growing up and he couldn't risk losing him. He had to force himself to love him. He had to. Damn Kim Taehyung. Jung kook ran his hands through his face wanting the horrible thoughts to go away. If Namjoon ever cheated on him,he'd go mad for sure. Everyone close to him always left. But somehow Namjoon had always been there for him.

He actually felt guilty. Jeon fucking Jung kook actually felt guilty. It was almost laughable. They pulled up to his gates and Jung kook tipped the guy enormously and then went in. Thankfully the house was empty. Jung kook took a shower and carefully thought of a way to clean up his mess before it escalated.


Kim Taehyung was pissed as hell when he woke up to an empty bed. No one and I mean no one,left Kim Taehyung. He had wanted to spend the day with the pretty younger boy so you can imagine the dismay he felt when he found himself in an empty huge bed.

The boy had managed to captivate him without doing much. Sure he was a freak in the sheets but lately Taehyung was feeling lonely. At the Met though he felt an instant connection to Jung kook and had innocently asked for a performance. In reality he'd just wanted to know more about the boy. It was crazy even to him.

Being such a powerful man at such a young age was frightening. He needed to watch his back for enemies that would tear him apart so he had to learn to rein in his emotions. But last night,it was as if he was possessed. When they fucked he knew he was a goner. He had to have more.

The boy apparently didn't feel the same way since he'd left without a word. Taehyung laughed at his own stupidity. It was probably a mistake. Somehow his chest constricted at the thought. The boy was taken in any case. By a far more mature and better man than him.

"Stop thinking about him Taehyung. It'll pass and you'll both go on with your lives," he told himself hoping he'd come to believe it.


"Am home," Namjoon announced as he entered his home. He found Jung kook in bed with his eyes drooping low.

So Jung kook had a nasty habit Namjoon had failed to get him to stop. Sometimes when he was stressed he took psychedelics. Mushrooms,pills,and he dabbled in cough syrup. So when he saw the boy smiling at him with his eyes hazy,he knew something was up.

"Babe,what wrong?" He asked the younger cradling him like a baby. He knew it calmed him.

"You love me right? You'd never cheat on me right?" The younger boy slurred.

"Of course not Koo. Where is this coming from? Did something happen to you? Did that asshole Taehyung try to hurt you?" Namjoon asked panicking.

He'd kill anyone that would hurt his baby boy. He loved him that much. Jung kook started to laugh hysterically before he started sobbing.

"Everyone always leaves me. You wont leave me right? Please don't leave me," Jung kook begged crying into Namjoon's neck.

Although they never talked often about Jungkook's past,Namjoon had suspected it was bad. Possibly traumatic. He knew the boy was messed up. He was closed off most of the time but sometimes he'd break down and get episodes like these. He'd once suggested to Jung kook that he goes to rehab but the boy insisted he was fine. Clearly he wasn't.

Not even Alejandro or Topaz knew about his childhood. Namjoon felt helpless and wished Jung kook would open up to him but only time would tell. He loved the boy and it killed him every time to see him like this.

"I promise am not going anywhere pretty one. I love you so much," Namjoon assured the boy who was still crying into him like a baby.

Even in tears he looked beautiful. It didn't matter to Namjoon what the boy had been through. He would walk to the moon and back for him if he had to. He cooed to Jung kook until he calmed down and passed out. He then tucked him into bed and went to his study leaving the lights on for Jung kook knowing he was scared of the dark.

Something had to have happened to Jung kook for him to have such a trigger. He wasn't stupid and he certainly didn't trust Kim Taehyung. He'd have to get to the bottom of this situation.

Really hope this chapter made sense but if it didn't everything will in due time. Please remember to vote and thanks for reading i guess. XD.

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