Chapter 7

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Mark had first seen Jungkook in the hallways at school when he stood up for him against the bullies. He was ten and Jung kook was seven. He thought he was the prettiest thing he'd set his eyes on. The next time he'd seen Jung kook was in the boy's bathroom. Giving a blowjob to a jock for twenty bucks. When Mark asked him why he did it Jung kook told him to fuck off. He still crushed on Jung kook even though the boy never noticed him.

So that night he snuck into his mother's purse and stole  fifty dollars planning to woo Jung kook the next day. The boy took the money,offered him a blowjob as payment but when Mark refused Jung kook left him there standing like an idiot. It only motivated Mark to do more in hopes of the boy noticing him.

Unfortunately for him the boy never did. Mark's mum was a hooker. He never knew his real dad but they lived with her pimp who used Mark as an ashtray and a punching bag. So knowing what he was setting himself up for,he stole his pimp's stash of cash and went to school hoping to convince the boy to elope with him.

But that day Jung kook never showed up to school. Mark aware of his fate now,went home with his heart broken. That wasn't the end of his bad day though. He got him and found his pimp angry as hell and beat up Mark so bad he almost died. The last of his innocence died that day. As he nursed his wounds,he felt a terrible rage within him.

Without thinking,he limped into his pimp's room and took out a gun. He loaded it and then rained bullets on his pathetic whore of a mother and then sat down near her corpse waiting for the pimp. Once the guy came home Mark shot him in the balls and then gutted him with a blunt knife. He'd never felt power like this. It was exhilarating. His victory however was short lived. He was arrested for murder but since he was a minor and his back story he made up,he was sent to a mental house instead.

There he would live out his sentence and plot his revenge against Jung kook. He was twenty three when he was released. He'd played along to the dimwits until they deemed him healed. He had seven years spent in there and that little shit was going to pay for each one of them.

However when he walked into a restaurant and when saw the boy of his teenage dreams on screen, he seethed all over again. His anger at a boiling point. Life was unfair. The little prick was actually a superstar now. He went to a cafe and looked him up. He had a net worth of ninety million dollars. How fucking ironic. Mark needed a job. If there was one thing being in the nut house had taught him was patience.

He'd bid his time. First thing he did was to get a job at a maintenance agency. Then he rented an apartment. More like a dumpster though. It reeked of piss no matter how much he cleaned it and was rat infested. He hated his co workers. An unsuccessful actress named Leah with fake tits and horse teeth. She bitched to him until he got tired and fucked her hard in their boss' office. Now she thought they were dating. Dumb cunt.

The other two were Asians like him. Jackson, a tall bulky guy with the brain of a flea. The guy was so dumb Mark wondered how he'd survived this long. The other one was Yugyeom. He was tall also but he was a pussy. Scared of everything. Especially girls. He almost peed himself when near anything with a skirt. It was sad really.

But they were friends of his. In their minds that is. Mark never had friends. He hated the word friends. He hated everyone. But soon he came to realise that he could control these idiots. He had more brains than all of them combined.

One day, luck presented itself. A certain Kim Namjoon had a faulty wire in his house and called the agency for a repair man. Mark was called in. Just his luck the prick lived in the Palisades. He went in and did his job,wishing he could electrocute the dumb guy himself.

You'd think with all his money he'd get a house with good wiring. Dumb prick.

"Thank you so much for your work. You are a lifesaver," Dumb prick yapped.

At least he got tipped but as Mark was leaving, he saw a magazine on one of the ivory tables. Jung kook was on the cover page.

"Um....excuse me sir,do you happen to know him?" It took every ounce of strength within him to be polite.

"Oh Koo,he works for me. My label I mean. And he's my beloved boyfriend," Dumb prick beamed happily.

The rage within him stirred again.

"Can I have this copy if you don't mind?" Seriously he was on the verge of throwing up on the tiger carpet.

"Of course," Dumb prick said. He really was dumb.

Mark took the magazine and went into his truck and drove away silently seething. That night when he  got to his pigsty,he read the article on Jung kook. Apparently he was being paid twenty million to perform at the opening of a hotel in Vegas. Twenty fucking million. Jesus did people shit money these days?

However as he thought over it,an evil plan came to him. Very risky but if it would work,he'd get all that he'd ever wanted and have his revenge on Jung kook. The more he thought about it,the more sense it made. For once in Mark's miserable life,things would finally be looking up.

The next day at work he approached his dumb co workers with a bright smile and asked," How would you guys like to make five million dollars each?"

This book is a participant in The Fanfic 2019 awards by Bellarina50.

Mark,Yugyeom and Jackson stans please don't kill me. I adore Got7 with all my heart and am sorry some of them play as the antagonists. Its all just fiction so don't your knickers in a twist. Please tell me your opinions on this and don't forget to vote. Thanks XD.

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