^Secret told by Min HaMi

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"Ahh, both of them are my kids" I mumbled then I heard a gasp "WHAT?!?!" He slightly yelled and I smile softly "the truth is, back then before when I was 17, me and my friends went in a club, having fun drinking and dancing, then I don't remember this guy but me and that guy had a chat we fell for each other that night then we did something and next thing I knew after a month not seeing him anymore I was pregnant, I didn't abort them, I can't kill a baby that isn't born and still innocent, so I choose to raise them as mine, I can't remember he's face though, yeah that's all" he nods and just smiled softly at me "you know I'll be cooking us dinner, wait here" I got up and proceeded to the kitchen


She have two kids, and and.....I was 18 back then I went to party I had a chat with a gorgeous girl in a bar I fell for her.... We did somethings and I was afraid to face her, I ignored her for a month... I still remember her and she's HaMi, and what if those two kids are mine?!, I must know, for now I will still be hidden and will take some samples "HaMi!, I'll be going upstairs to the kids!" She replied yes so I put down MiKook on her new room, I head out after securing MiKook she's safe and knocked on the kids room

"Hi guys" I waved and they smiled "uncle Jungkook!" They hugged me and I giggled, I put them down and squat down at they're height "Hani and Yeonjun, can uncle Jungkook have some of your hair, just three strands?" I asked, they looked confused "uncle Jungkook loves to collect hair since I want to remember those ones so I ask for they're hair since I want to remember them, so can you both give me one?" I asked again, they happily nod and gave me, I put them on a jar with a name of Hani and a anther jar for Yeonjun, and hid it at my room and played with both of them till HaMi calls us for dinner


Currently I am done with breakfast and now waiting for the test to come here in the hospital with two jars with HaNi's and YeonJun's hair samples... Her story and my story combines.... It's like she's the one I gave my virginity to

"Mr. Jeon JeongGuk?" I stood up and went inside the room and bowed at the doctor "What's the result doc?" I asked nervously while fiddling my fingers "Ah sir congratulations, the test is positive" I jumped up and down, I took the paper from the doctor "I'll be going now doc, thanks" I waved goodbye and ran out of the hospital and drove off to Hami's house, wahhh what would she feel that I'm the father of her children?!... OMG I am sooooo excited!!!..... WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT, if she'll know that I'm the father of her children she might not want to see me for leaving her in pain carrying Hani and Yeonjun, I should just keep quiet and then wait for her to love me back nod then I'll pop up the truth but in a good way not those ways when we're in public and places where she can't run off but somewhere private and far


Jungkook went out, I'm here in the house feeding MiKook, the twins are out to school, "EYO, cmon I know who you are marrying and he's excited af" Yoongi said, he and he's wife are out and now visited me "just shut up oppa, anyways I'll be going up and prepare, I'm picking up the kids later on and going to meet mr, unknown Jeon" I went upstairs wearing a tank top, high waisted short, and some high heeled boots, I did some light make up but redden my lips more, I brushed my hair and put on a leather jacket, I grabbed my car keys and drove of to my kids school, I parked my car and got out with my sunglasses

I walked like a diva, even though I'm a doctor I'm also a gorgeous and evil woman, everyone looked at me even the high school and collage students, I smirked at them and stood at the corridor "MOM!!!" I looked at my side and saw Hani running to me and a Yeonjun on with he's phone "Hi kids!" I hugged them both and looked back and still saw them still looking at me... Don't they care about me having kids?

"Cmon guys, let's go shopping" we all walked to my Ferrari and drove off to the mall, I heard that my fiancé owns this "Hi ma'am, mr. Jeon JeongGuk is expecting you to come and buy here, and is said that you are free to whatever you want, and he is in the boba tea shop" I nod and led my kids first


After some shopping I and my kids went to the boba tea shop "Goodmorning miss HaMi" I looked beside me and saw a waitress "morning, and do you know where is Jeon JeongGuk?" I asked, Jungkook and him has the same name, "Over there ma'am, I'll lead you, but pls select your order first" she's quiet old "umm, anything, just bring it by miss" she nods and I followed her to the corner, we left the kids in the play corner of the boba shop "Mr, Jeon ma'am HaMi is here" she bows and let me sit down, mr, Jeon is still on he's menu "ehem" I cleared my throat then he puts down the paper, my heart beat started to thump "Hi HaMi, took you long enough " Jungkook... Jungkook who is the father of MiKook is the one whom I will marry?!?!

"J-Jungkook?!, what are you doing here?!" I asked slightly yelling "Isn't it obvious, I'm the one who you are going to marry" he sarcastically said, I rolled my eyes then my order came...

"So glad to finally meet you miss HaMi, and also I'll be the one who to decide where our venue will be and our new house will be, and I'll let you decide your own likes, here" he gave me a paper, I grabbed it and put it at my bag "I'll be here for a sec actually I still have a meeting" he stood up and left... No goodbye?... WHAT THE F HAMI!!!!, why would you want a goodbye from him

Ring ring~

"HaMi speaking"

"Hi babe!"

"Oppa!, sorry I'm not at the hospital, I'm taking out the kids actually... Are you free?"

"Yes, there's nothing to do anyways"

"Well, can you come here at the mall?"

"Of course love, I'll be there in a sec, I'll just go get my things"

"Okay love, see you!"

I ended the call and waited for him, soon enough he arrived with the kids in he's hands "Mom, Dad came!" Yeonjun chimed and I giggled, I introduced Jimin as they're dad since I'm confident that I'll be marrying him "Dad said we will go for the zoo, right dad?" Hani cheerfully asked Jimin and he nods, they dat down and ordered food for them

"Love, my last assistant leaved and then I have a new assistant but a girl, are you okay with that?" I choked on my food and looked up at him "Sehun resigned?" I asked "Yeah, sorry love" I just smiled at him and "no it's okay, I know I'm close with him as he's my friend but it's okay, and you have a girl assistant now?, what's her name?" I asked "Song Ai Zel" my heart sank but I just nod "great!, can't wait to be friends with her!!" I sound so happy, I look so happy.. But it's fake, he looked sad when I chimed my happiness

I texted my friends saying that we should meet up later, I faced up and started eating again with Jimin and the kids

Something bad will happen... I just know


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