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Everything turned out well after 5 years, Yoongi oppa is doing good with he's family, I'm doing fine also, Jimin and Aizel fell for eachother deeply and he found out he has a child with Aizel and made another one named Jimzel it's a boy, Then the bangtan already has wives and children, while me and Jungkook still goes on our relationship, Yeonjun is already 13 and Hani is 12, I'm already 27, I'm still young bro, Taehyun is also 13, he's dating Hani, and Yeonjun is dating Chungha Soljis daughter, and MiKook we didn't adopt her because she was taken to her mother... Mikooks mom didn't died.. She faked the death, and she's already five... I'm happy for them, jaeyum is still inside the jail...anyways

"Happy anniversary Bae!" I felt a kiss on my cheeks, I looked behind and saw my husband "Happy anniversary to baby" I kissed him and hugged him "We're already old huh?" I said and sat down on he's lap "Remember this?" He put out a box, I laugh and opened it "remember this?" I took out he's boxer... "It was our first night, where we gave our virginty to each other" he said "And this?" He took out my journal, I wrote all my problems there but now he's here I would tell him everything "You know what, I'm still young and fit" he flexed he's biceps making me laugh "We're getting old kook" I stated "Buttt... That's just a word.... We're young papi" I licked my lips and pushed him down the bed "I love you my wife" I pecked he's lips and smiled "I love you too my Husband" and there.. we had our love time again...


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