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Three weeks have passed... And... My plan is already ready and will start later on, I planned to kidnap both Jimin and Jungkook, then HaMi will start to call me and beg to give the boys back to her, she's smart... So I planned to hide both of the boys where she doesn't want to go till she dies... To the place where she saw how her grandma got killed in front of her in Gwangju abandoned buildings... She had a trauma there... Sooo I plan to make both of them suffer in front of her till she agrees to marry... I maybe be a girl... But she's the only one who understands my life story

"Yes, get them tied up with chains and tie it triple and lock it with four locks now go!" I ordered and shoo my boys off to where I assigned them too "Prepare the marriage contract" I ordered my assistant and let her go after she prepared everything, I grabbed the knife under my desk and started to slide my finger across the sharp blade making my index finger tip bloody

"Soon... Sooner or later I'll have you for myself HaMi" I smirked and laughed evilly throwing the knife somewhere


"Bye~" I waved off Jungkook and closed the door and roll my eyes while staring at the empty house, Jimin went for a business trip in Gwangju and Jungkook has work today... Sooo I'm all alone... With baby MiKook since my kids are in school

"Should I?" I smirked and ran off to the kitchen


"Uhghhhhh.... My stomach... Hurts!" My words came out muffled as my mouth is full with ice cream, I fished out my phone and called Jungkook

"When are you coming home~?"

"Just an hour more baby girl"

"Stop with that baby girl nonsense and come back home~.... I need someone to buy me ice cream on the way home oppa~"

"Alright, I'll bring ice cream, and by the way the kids are picked up by my driver"

"Okay, thank you... Anyways I'll be going now, my fav kdrama is coming up in a sec, bye bye~"

"Bye baby girl~"

End of call

I groaned and switched the Channels while wiping off the ice cream that is smudged on my face ding Dong~ the door bell rang so I stood up and held my tummy going to the front door and opened it, I saw no one and just a blank white envelope on the floor, I took it and went inside to read and locked the door,

There was a picture of Jungkook and Jimin tied really tight on chairs with chains and quadruple locks and both of them are badly beaten "shit" I whispered and called my gang immediately

"We must get them immediately!"

"Yah, what happened HaMi?!"

"The boys got took by Someone!, but im guessing it's Matilda!"

"What?!?!, shit were coming with the guns and knives, get the cars ready and call they're gang!"


I ended the call and ran to the garage and ready the bus and our driver, after I called BTS

"Jimin and Jungkook got kidnapped by Matilda, come here ASAP!"

"Okay!, we're coming!"

We ended the call and I waited till the all of them got here "we need to go, I have tracked them down, they're in busan!, cmon lets go!" Suga said


We have arrived in busan's abandoned subdivision and into an old and wrecked mansion, I took my gun and bullet proof vessel and walk in with all of them behind me "MATILDA!!!!" I angrily yelled and ran around till I heard her evilly laugh, we followed her sound and into a basement "Hi HaMi my love" I walked towards her evil form and grabbed her hair "B-Baby!" Both boys who are chained up to a chair groaned

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