The Story of Her Sickness | Part II

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"Make sure you take two pills!" Dr. Dolos waved at Hgyieia who waved back. She felt a bit dizzy but it was probably just from the smell of the terrible air-freshener. Seriously, she had already told the doctor to change it but she guessed he was too busy. Maybe she'll go buy him one herself. She walked out of the clinic and caught a bus home. 


"Hi Apollo." Hgyieia's was greeted by the sight of her brother, messy hair and dark circles under his eyes. "How was last night?" She asked, placing her blazer down on the couch. Apollo rubbed his eyes. 

"Bad. I was worried about you." He looked at her guiltily. Hygieia swallowed the lump in her throat. She couldn't bear to see her brother so defeated. He was usually so happy and carefree. But to be fair, he always slept over at his friends at least twice a week, leaving her alone in the morning. 

"It's alright. I'm use to it." She heard a wince come from him as she raced to her room, not waiting for his reply. Was she too rude and harsh? After all, he really did try to come home and cook dinner for her when her parents worked overtime. He sometimes made bacon and eggs for her when he didn't have anything due or had a free-day off. Hygieia sighed. Maybe she should go back and apologise to him. She tossed her pills away. Maybe later. 


"Gia, I'm sorry about yesterday." Philotes pulled Hygieia aside after coming back from their maths class. Hygieia shrugged though a little skeptical. 

"I told you it's fine." Hygieia brushed off Philotes' hand from her shoulder. Philotes stared at her friend's hand, the same one she used to brush her own away. 

"If you're thinking I purposely put a lot of salt in it I didn't! You know I wouldn't do that.." Philotes trailed off. Hygieia looked her her friend. Now she didn't know who to trust anymore, not even herself. 

But what if she looked at the clues more closely? For the past week, Philotes' food had been salty and when she tried Philotes' share, it hadn't been salty at all. Anyways, Philotes had been sketchy for a while, never calling Hygieia as much anymore and always uploading pictures to her social media about her hangouts with other friends. 

"To be honest, I don't know Philotes. The clues are pointing that you have been purposely adding a lot of salt to my share of your food." Philotes stared hard at her with an expression of hurt and anger.

"What if I did then? What would you do?" She spat, making Hygieia recoil in surprise. Was this her 'friend's' true nature that she hid for two years? Philotes did also take drama, so maybe that's why she hadn't suspected.. 

"I'd never talk to you again!" Hygieia glared, venom laced in her words as she turned around violently and stomped off. Blinded by her anger, Hygieia dropped her pills on the ground and it landed at Philotes' shoes. Philotes picked the pills up gingerly. 

Hygieia had been eating this pills for at least three months now. You'd think that after three months of being on medication her so called 'flu' would be over? Philotes looked at the hall which Hygieia stomped into before popping out a pill and swallowing it. Hygieia always ate it with her food so maybe—

"What the fuck!?" Philotes spat the pill out. 

"Why is it so goddamn salty?!"


Song of the chapter: See U Tomorrow by SF9

This is a very good b-side my doods. 

Also read unOrdinary for clear skin and healthy lifestyle. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2019 ⏰

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