15: Regrets and Rescue

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Izuki's Perspective

Ugh . . . where? (N/N)! I need to get to (N/N)! I try to move but my arms in casts. Then that means that . . . i couldn't save him. 

Ochako: D-Deki! You're awake! 

Ochako hugs me quickly before quickly going off to call the others. I guess I had the most severe injuries out of everyone again. Maybe if i hadn't gotten so careless then I could have gotten to (Y/N) in time. Ochako and the others come through and some of them ask if I'm okay. I nod and the room goes silent. I then began to tear up.

Izuki:  I couldn't save him. . . I should have been able to but i couldn't. 

Ochako: Deki . . .

Izuki: It should have been me instead of him.

Kirishima: Then let's save him then.

Izuki: W-What?

This ticked off Iida. Saving (Y/N) ourselves is something I haven't thought of. I'm sure it would be illegal though.

Iida: We should leave this to real heroes!

Kirishima: But who knows! He's done so much for us, we should at least pay back the favor!

Iida and Kirishima begin arguing and most of the class begins to take sides. After a while, Ochako points out that I would still be tired and that they should leave me be. I need time to think. Maybe Kirishima's idea is a the best option.

-Aizawa Interview-

Interviewer: You spoke about the student's student's safety, Eraser Head. But during the events of the invasion, it seems that you urge them to fight. Why is that?

Aizawa: I concluded that because we were unaware of the current situation, it was necessary to avoid the worst possible outcome.

Nezu: The gas attack accounts for most of the victims. We have determined that it was from one of the villains quirks. Thanks to the efforts of Ms. Kendo and Mr. Tetsutetsu, no serious injuries from that attack occurred. In surplus to that, we are also providing students but so far no mental trauma has been spotted.

Interviewer: What do you mean by worst possible outcome? You don't call 26 victims the worst possible outcome?

Aizawa: This bastard is trying to push my buttons . . .  The worst possible outcome that I thought of is that the student would be at their wit's end and be killed.

Interviewer: Are you saying there is a bright spot in this tragedy?

Kan: This guy is trying to anger Shota. Don't fall for it.

Nezu: We believe that the worst outcome is one that would have hindered the future.

Interviewer: Can you say the same about the kidnapped (L/N)?

Nezu and Kan both glanced at Aizawa not knowing how he would react.

Interviewer: What if the villains kidnapped him because of his family? His father could easily coerce him with deceitful words, dyeing him with the stains of evil and turning him to the dark side. 

Then those words came out. The ones that pissed off most of the teachers that knew (Y/N) and for (Y/N)s mother who was currently planning the attack with the other rescue squad heroes.

Interviewer: What evidence do you have saying he has a future with the heroes? During the sports festival, it seems as though he tapped into his villainous genetics and was willing to permanently harm them to win. Just like a villain would.

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