13: A Battle Against Lovers

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-----------------------------Chapter Start---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Your Perspective

Midoriya: (Y/N), I don't want to fight you!

She was dodging all of my attacks, making me more pissed than before. 

You: Well, unfortunately, I do!

I sent out a wave of dark energy pushing Uraraka and Iida who were attempting to surprise attack me. I didn't seem to notice Todoroki had frozen the floor.

You: Shit!

I slipped and fell on my face. Hard.

Iida: Are you okay?! You seem to have taken quite the fal-

Uraraka: Iida, he's a villain. Wait why is the ice melting? Todoroki?

I covered myself in a my Positive Energy and used it as a shield and to melt the ice. I fired off a beam at Todoroki and Iida at the same time without warning. What I failed to notice was Midoriya coming straight at me and kicking me in the face thanks to Uraraka's quirk. 

I get an Idea. What if I mix my two energies together? I'll have to try it out but right now I need to stop the onslaught coming from the heroes. The fact Uraraka and Iida are holding me down doesn't help either. I hate them . . . They're siding with her. I hate them. I hate them. I HATE THEM! I want to destroy them all!

No One's Perspective

I wave of dark energy suddenly erupted from (Y/N) pushing Iida and Uraraka off of him.. He had finally activated Red Moon Devil mode. His appearance seemed to reflect. With his eyes looking like they were on fire and his hair obsidian black with streaks of vermillion adorning him.

Uraraka: Wait isn't that one of his forms he was talking about?

Iida: If I recall correctly it was the form that increases his strength and defense at the cost of his intelligence.

Todoroki: If that's the case, won't turn him on a mindless beast?

Midoriya: Guys I think we need to run!

-In the Spectator's Room-

All Might: He's lost control again. . . .

Kirishima: All Might? SHouldn't you stop the fight? (Y/N) doesn't look like he's in the right place right now!

Ashido: Yeah! Remember what happened at the sports festival?!

All Might: Young (L/N), please stop this!

Instead of stopping, (Y/N) removed his earpiece and crushed it in the palm of his hand and looked at the camera and fired an attack at it, destroying it.

All Might: Well, that can't be good.

Mineta: You think?!

-Back to The Battlegrounds-

Uraraka: You're his girlfriend-

Midoriya: E-Ex girlfriend.

Uraraka and the others looked at Midoriya with shock. Causing Midoriya to look down in shame.

Uraraka: How?

Midoriya: I broke his trust and . . . said some things I should have.

Uraraka: Can you try talking to him and calming him down?

Midoriya: I-I'll try.

Midoriya Ran out to see (Y/N) destroying buildings in an attempt to find the heroes.

Heroes! {Female! Izuku Midoriya X Male! Reader}Where stories live. Discover now