Chapter 2

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*talking to the camera*
So guys we are in the Woods it's 6:00 and it already starting to get late so we are gonna get fire wood and set up our tents and then make s'mores
Rebecca:why is makeing a tent so hard
Anna: because you don't like to read instructions.
M/l: okay !!we are done!! omg you still have not finished.
Anna:no cus Rebecca want to act all that like she to good to put up a tent.
Rebecca:I am
Anna:than why did you come
Mk:okay chill
Mk: I will help Rebecca
M/l: me and Rebecca can get the fire wood.
Anna: sounds like a plan.
Mk:we are done
Anna: finally if I had to do this with Rebecca we would of still been here.
Rebecca:who said my name*holding wood*
Mk: okay you guys are back
M/l: *talking to the camera* let's make a fire like what's a night in the woods without smores.
Mk: let's sit around the fire
Rebecca: let tell scary stories
Anna: have you ever heard of Jr and kilel
Anna: well they are really cute but they are killers they killed a boy and left him the police saw them once but never again after. They say that they live in the woods in a lake house and who ever they see that saw them they will take and who knows what they do.
M/l: okay ummm that enough of that let's get ready for bed
Mk:hahaha yeah she right
M/l: *talking to the camera*okay guys we are gonna go in our tents and sleep and we will come back to y'all when we wake up.
Hours go by and it's 3:00am *crack* *crack*
M/l: mk wake up I heard something
Mk: go back to sleep it's probably Rebecca or Anna
M/l: and what of course would they be doing up this early in the morning please tell me cause I want to know
Mk:... Idk...
M/l: exactly get up and go check
Mk: go back to sleep
*Crack* *crack*
Mk: oh heck no I don't do that voodoo stuff
M/l: go check
Mk: no you
M/l: rock paper scissors
Mk: sheesh let's both just go
M/l: your going first
Mk: no what you think this is
M/l: go first
Mk: fine scaredy cat
M/l: ha
Mk and m/l walk to go to the tent that Rebecca and Anna were in then as soon as mk and m/l were 2 steps away from the tent m/l ran back to the tent and closed the door
Mk: open the damn tent door
M/l: you can get eaten first *giggles*
Mk: I'm not playing
M/l unzips the tent door and mk runs back in the tent
Mk: really m/l I'm going to do that to you next time
M/l: sureee
Mk: let's grab some weapons
Mk grabs pepper spray and a knife while m/k got a lighter and Lysol mk and m/l run to Rebecca tent and tells them what they heard
Mk: there's something out there
R:(Rebecca) really are y'all lying again
Mk: no girl
A:(Anna) whatever I'll just go check it out
R: me too
Mk and m/l: y'all going to die but ok
20min later
Mk: where are they??
M/l:idk but I am not going to check
Mk:oh hell naw I don't do that stuff
M/l: oh heack naw let's go
Mk: we gotta make sure there okay we can't leave them
M/l: yes we can
Mk:no we can't they came with us so we owe them
M/l: but it was there choice
Mk: let just go
M/l:ugggggh okay
3rd person P.O.V
They sneak out there tent with there wepons they look like scaredy cats but like it whatever it takes to save there life.
Mk:ugghh we been walking for like 20mins
M/l: I know
Mk: no no no come at me b**h let play I got fire,
M/l: let go *starts running*
Mk: coming*starts running* omg someone following us
M/l: let goooo
Mk: I don't wanna dieee
M/l:*stop running*
Mk: why the F**k did you stop running
M/l: well first I am tired and I don't hear them no more.
Mk: wow so we just stop ru.....
M/l:*screaming* let go of her
Mk:* trying to fight back* passes out
M/l: someone comes behind me and there is a cloth that goes over my mouth i know what is is but i gotta breath sometime and i start to see nothing but black.

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