I wake up to the sound of people running down our halls.
Mk: *shakes Sebastian* Sebastian Sebastian get up.
Sebastian: what
Mk: do you hear that
Sebastian: GET YOUR STUFF... Jabez get up M/l get up
Mk: M/l get the F*ck up
M/l: okay what is it
Mk: don't you hear that.
Jab: yeah get y'all wepons ready
Seb: Jabez you got the car keys.
Jab: yeah
Seb: you ready boo
Mk: ready then I could ever be Mr. Penguin.
Sebastian: uggggh not again
Someone knocking down the door
LET us in we are not gonna hurt you
Mk: yeah right like anyone believe that anymore.
The people start comeing in
M/l P.O.V
Me and mk put a pice of that gum we got in our moth it might come in handy. I saw mk she look like she was intimidated she was fight by Sebastian they were to cute then Jabez comes up next to me
Jabez: watch out * trough a punch at the guy* he knocked out cold.
Mk: M/l let's go
End of M/l P.O.V
We all start running to the car but 2 buff guys had grab Mk and M/l
Sebastian and Jabez was finna help but.....
Mk: let go or else
Buff guy: or what hahah
Mk: spits the gum in his face
Buff guy: electrocuted
Mk: or that
M/l: spits the gum at the other guy
And we start running to the car when we are in the car we drive off.
Seb: you guys did a great job
M/l: why thank you Mr. penguin
Jab: laughing
Mk. Why are you laughing Mr. Fluffy
Jab: stops laughing
jab:We are almost to Mexico
Fell in love with a fake
Fanfiction2 girls go on a camping trip with there friends for a YouTube video untill things start going crazy they meet two boys Sebastian and Jabez they become there partners in spy they are on a mission to save all the art but it looks like along they way t...