chapter 15

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Group chat
Mk: hayyyy everyone did y'all see the outfits.
M/l: yesss girl they are amazing
Jab: yeah I saw them
Seb: I mean duh mk we are in the same room.
Mk: well for your info I was not talking to you anyways
M/l: danggg treated
Seb: oh okay I see how it is
Jab: dang boi you gonna let yo girl treat you
Mk: first of all I did not treat him I was stateing fax.
M/l: period sis
Seb: omg anyways y'all meet us in our room because Oliver told me that him and cash found another clue for our mission.
M/l: ight we on are way
Mk: yeah I am coming.
Seb:🤦😂 your already in the room mk
Mk: I new that 😂
M/l: OMG Seb what are you doing to my best friend
Seb: alot😉
M/l: dannnng gurl your exposed
Mk: SEBASTIAN it not good to lie😂
Jab: dangggg everyone is just getting exposed today.
Oli: I am telling Mom Sebastian😂
Seb: wait I didn't even know you were in the chat.
Mk: oh yeah forgot to tell you I added him😂
Seb: are you serious😂
Oli: yup she did and you gonna get In trouble
Seb: no cause I am grown
Oli: being 18 don't mean nun I am telling
Mk: oli stop being a snitch
Oli: oh really I can tell yo mom to
Mk: plz don't do that😂
Mk: wait I moved out and live on my own so beat that.
M/l: dannng Oliver you thought
Oli: shut it
M/l: ight well we on are way Oliver coming to
Oli: yup omw- for people who don't know that means on my way)
Mk- ight we waiting.

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