chapter 20

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M/l P.O.V:
We were heading back to the van when we seen two people where all black we thought they were part of the black eye crew
Me: look there's two people get down
Mk: what I thought they ran off
Me: me to what do we do
Mk: I don't know
??: Hay there they are
Mk: run
??2:* grab Mk* hold her hand above her  head ...
??: Grab M/l pins her down
Mk: let me go you freak* switch places* who are you
Me: *does the same*
??: Chill chill we are the good guys
Me: yeah right
Mk: then why are you wearing the mask
Me: that what I thought
Mk&me:* spray them with the sleeping spry.
Mk: bae. Baeeeee
Seb: yes
Mk: are you almost done come one we gotta go
Seb: we are coming now tell Oliver to get the van started who knows how long we got before someone finds out the painting is missing.
End of M/l P.O.V
M/l: come on Mk let's get them to the van
Mk: okay but I am dragging whoever this person is.
M/l:* starts laughing* okay fine with me
Mk:* bangs on the van*
Oliver: comeing
M/l: hurry up there not getting lighter
Oliver: what do you mean.... Oh
*In the van*
Mk: let's remove there mask to see who it is.
M/l: okay
Mk:*remove the mask*
M/l:*remove the mask*
Mk&M/l: OMG they are fine
Mk: to much hotness
Jab&Seb: what are you guys talking about
Mk: ooooh
M/l: no one
Cash: *laughing*
Mk: shut up
??:* Starts moveing*
M/l: he is moveing
??: Ahhh
Mk: hay stop it were not gonna hurt you
M/l: for now
Mk: what is your name my name is mk and this is M/l and cash and Oliver
jacob: I am Jacob
M/l: nice to meet you
Mk:how about your friend
jacob: That is diego
Mk: why were you trying to follow us
Jacob: no we were not we were trying to talk to you guys
Diego: we are spy's as well
Mk: really how come we never seen you guys before or cash doesn't know about you.
Jacob: we work for a different organization.
Cash: I know who you are you are supposed to be the best spy's ever.
Jacob: yup... Anyway Mk I heard what you said.
Mk: what did I say
Jacob: just know your cute to.
Cash: you better stop before Seb.....
Seb: open up lets go we got the painting.
Diego: M/l your really pretty
M/l: than....
Jab: no she is mine so watch how you talk
Diego: chill I was just given her a complement.
Seb: mk come hear
M/l: ooooooh
Mk: shut up
Seb: come sit on my lap
Mk: it okay
Seb:* grabs mk and put her on his lap*
M/l: guess no not a answer
Seb:*whispers to mk* do you like Jacob
Mk: no
Seb: :*whispers to mk* I will hurt him if he talks to you like that again
Mk: okay mister big man
Seb::*whispers to mk* i love you
Mk: mmmm I love you to
Seb: what is the mmm for
Mk: Because
Seb:*laughing* because what
Mk: do you know how much I love you
Seb: not as much as I love you

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