Momo's healing process has gone better than expected. It's been a month since that awful night, and still she jumps at every creak and crack of the world.
The search for Aizen had come to a blank desert and a helluva lot of squabbling between members of the Soul Society. The trail went cold once Aizen crossed the line between the human world and the Soul world, leaving everyone including me pissed off, baffled, and aching for a fight.
"An entire month and we still can't find out a fucking thing..." Muttering to myself wasn't gonna help but it's all I could do, being as Im on lock down for another week. Grandfather has always had a way with managing to lock me up to keep me "safe and out of harm's way". More like "keeping the child from the cookie jar" if ya asked me. I've been fuming for the past month and dying to kick someone's ass just to let off some tension, but I can't make it five steps from the front door before a guard threatens me. Nothing like being held prisoner in your own house huh?!
Renji drops by with some peppermint tea and snacks every few days. He only stays long enough to put everything on the table and say goodbye. Not to mention he lingers at the front door as if he's waiting for me to beg him to stay awhile longer, and at times I'm very tempted to. I crave him yet I fear what things will come once I give into my yearning especially being in an empty house and nothing better to do than him...-------------------------------------------------
Alright, so at this point I have ideas for this story and yet ,at the same time, I'm trying to find the love that I once had for it.
Let me know your thoughts about continuing on or dropping this story...