Chapter 2: Meeting Moana

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Merida's POV
I'm glad the girls agreed to my suggestion of going to meet Moana. Not only will get to know her better, but we can get a better idea of what this Pitch guy is about. We arrived at our destination about 20 minutes later. There we sat on our bikes, in front of the White House itself. We got off our bikes and headed for the gates, but of course there's always your typical meathead bodyguards to stop you.
"Sorry, you can't just-"the first guard started to say, but I cut him off because I don't have time for this stupid speech.
"DSA special agents here for the Pitch Black mission, so unless you don't want me to rip arm off and slap you with it, I suggest you move", I said with a cold manner.
He immediately moved out of our way and I could hear the girls laughing behind me and I let loose my own laughter after hearing theirs. Once we were inside, Elsa asked to see to the president and Moana.
A few minutes later, we were lead by a woman to a room where we waited for the two.
Punzie's POV
After waiting for about 10 minutes in the room, the doors opened and in came President Morrison and Moana.
Moana was a pretty girl, she had copper colored skin, long raven black hair that reached her mid back, and big brown eyes. I absolutely loved her outfit, she wore a sky blue blouse, with a white mini skirt and beige gladiator sandals that went to her knees.
"Hello there", the president said with a big smile on his face.
"Good afternoon, sir", Elsa said very royal like.
"Thank you so much for taking this mission to protect Moana, I swear it's so hard to find good help around hear", President Morrison said and we all chuckled at this.
"So, I will leave you girls to talk with Moana and let you guys get to know her better, sound good?", he asked.
I nodded my head and after giving Moana a hug, he left the room.
"Okay first off, I absolutely love your outfit that you have on", I said to Moana to be friendly.
"Thank you, I don't really think it's my style though, I'm more of a T-shirt and sweatpants kind of girl", Moana replies back.
"I can already tell her and I are gonna get along just fine", Merida said and we all laughed.
Time skip
So after talking to Moana for about another 30 minutes, we learned that she's a very laid back and chill kind of girl. She doesn't really like all the proper and fancy sort of lifestyle she has right now. She's very big on adventures and doing all sorts of crazy things. She wants to live her life outside of the White House where she can do whatever she wants without being told how to act.
"So tell me Moana, out of the elemental powers you have, which one is your favorite?", Elsa asked her curiously.
"Oh that's easy, water. I grew up in New York, but I would always go to the beach the first chance I had. I've always loved going to the beach, surfing, water skiing, kayaking, you name it and I would do it", happiness filled her eyes when she spoke of the water.
"We all have powers, too, Elsa has the power of ice and snow, Anna has the power of nature, Merida has the power of fire and I have the power of the sun, moon and I can heal", I explained to her.
"Those all sound so cool, hey, do you guys mind if I go to your house for tomorrow, I'd feel safer there", Moana asked hoping for a yes.
"Yeah sure, we already set up a room and bought the necessities for you anyways, just make sure it's okay with your dad first and bring what you want, we have what you need", Elsa answered.
Moana's eyes lit up and she grinned from ear to ear and ran off to find her dad.
A few minutes later she ran to the front where we were waiting with a small blue backpack.
Merida's POV
We went back outside and the guards must have heard us because they turned around and the one had a pure look of terror was on his face.
"H-Have a good evening ladies", he said stammering a bit.
"Thanks", I replied smirking while the girls laughed once again.
Moana looked at us confused, " Did something happen before I was here?", she asked puzzled.
"We were coming in and he tried to stop us and Merida said that if he didn't move, she was gonna rip his arm off and slap him with it", Anna said in a giggling fit.
Moana then released her own laugh.
We got to our bikes and Moana had complete shock on her face.
"Are these yours?", she asked still shocked.
"Yep, pretty cool, aren't they?", Elsa asked.
"So who do you wanna ride with Moana?", Anna asked.
"Umm, I think I'm gonna ride with Merida".
I smiled.
Before we were ready to leave, I used my powers to molt lava into a helmet shape and then Anna used water to cool it down, forming a helmet like ours. Punzie then wired it with the Bluetooth system in hers so we could all talk to each other.
Once that was done, we hopped on the bikes and started to go home. Unfortunately, a red light got in our way.
"Ugh, this light is so slow", Anna said frustrated. All of a sudden we heard music blasting, coming beside us. We looked to our right and a bright blue, convertible with four guys in it were right next to us.
"Hey ladies, follow us home and we'll take you for a joy ride", said the driver winking at us, he had white hair, but he looked our age. Weird.
"Sorry, but we're not interested in immature little girls", Elsa said and we all cracked up.
The boy looked shocked by what she just said.
The light turned green and we drove by them.
"That was awesome Els", Moana exclaimed.
We heard the sound of a car following us, I turned around, and the guy was following us. "Elsa, we have a stalker", I voiced over into my microphone.
She looked in her mirror and saw them. "Girls follow me, we're taking a different way home".
We followed her into an alley and took a right, where the car couldn't fit.
I saw that Elsa was using her powers to make a sheet of ice on the ground.
"Anna, camouflage the alley", Elsa demanded.
Then Anna used her powers to make a vine wall at the start of the alley that we were hiding in. We turned off our motors, got off and watched the show. The car came speeding down the alley, and once the wheels hit the ice, we could hear the boys yelling at the driver to hit the brakes. The car halted at a squeaky stop. We laughed and ran to our bikes, started the motors, and burst through the vine wall. Elsa gave the boys a two fingered salute and we turned the corner, laughing the whole way home.

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