Chapter 16: A Ceremony and School

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Jack's POV
I carried Elsa to her room. She said she had bad pain in her ribs and knee. I made an ice pack for her knee, but I didn't know what to do for her ribs."What do I do for your ribs?".
"You have to apply the ice directly on my skin", she explained to me.
She pulled her shirt up and had her hand over the spot. I put my hand and used my powers to apply the ice. When I was done, she pulled her shirt back down .
"Thanks Jack", she said smiling at me.
I kissed her forehead. "No problem Snowflake".
We got everyone back upstairs for dinner, instead of cooking, we just ordered pizza. The Hamato brothers were certainly thrilled.
"So how long are you guys staying for?", Anna asked them.
"Until Thursday", Leo answered.
"Moana, since you have developed so much as my best female student, I believe you are ready to move up in the clan. As a kunoichi", Master Splinter told her.
"Really? Thank you Splinter!", she said hugging the man.
"We will do the ceremony on Wednesday night, the night of the full moon", he said.
Time skip - Wednesday Night
Moana's POV
This is it. Tonight I become a kunoichi of the Hamato clan. I've trained countless hours for this to happen and now it finally is. All my friends, including Dimitri, Walt and my dad came for the ceremony. The dojo was lit with candles and I sat on a rug in front of Master Splinter.
Splinter started reciting some ancient Japanese scroll that no one except the boys and me knew. He finished and handed me something.
"The tanto of the dragon, a creature that always fights with the body and mind. Always fight like the dragon and victory will always be the path you take", he said.
He then said in Japanese, 'Do you Moana Morrison promise to show strength, compassion, wisdom and honor in being a part of the Hamato clan?'.
I said in Japanese, 'I do promise to show strength, compassion, wisdom and honor in being a part of the Hamato clan'.
"Moana Morrison, you are now a kunoichi of the Hamato clan", Splinter said smiling at me. I smiled back.
Everyone congratulated me and we went up stairs for a pizza party before the boys had to leave.
"So are you gu-", I started to say to Leo, but was cutoff when black sand entered the house.
"Well isn't this lovely", he said evilly.
"What do you want Pitch?!?!", I said taking out my fan and tanto.
"Oh, well I have a little present for you, too. Now where did I put it? Oh, here!!", Pitch shot a black sand arrow at me.
"MOANA!!", I heard Elsa shout before she dove in front of me.
"ELSA!!", Jack shouted. "What did you do to her?!?!".
She was on her back and was fidgeting really bad.
"I did nothing. She did it, since Moana wouldn't join me, I figured I'd make her join me", he said.
I looked back at Elsa with horror. She was trying to fight the sand, but it was too powerful and it took over her body.
She looked like her demonic form, except she was wearing a black dress. I looked up at Pitch who started to raise his arms in front of him. Then Elsa did the same thing. "He's controlling her".
"Everyone get down!!", Splinter yells as we jump behind the counter.
"How do we defeat her if he's controlling her??", Eugene asked.
"I don't know, but we can't hurt her. Remember it's really Elsa", Jack said to everyone.
"Then how the heck do we do that lassies?", Mer asked stumped.
"Wait, I have an idea, it's corny and cheesy, but it just might work", Anna said.
"What is it?", I asked.
"True loves kiss", Anna answered. We all looked at Jack.
"Umm, I'll do it, but I don't know if it will work", he said confidently.
"You just wanna do it so you can kiss Elsa", Raph said to him.
"You have no idea", Jack said.
So, while we distracted Pitch, Jack was gonna sneak up on Elsa and kiss her.
I watched him sneak up on her, she tried blasting him with her black ice, but he dodged. He froze her feet and hands so she couldn't shoot at him. And then: he kissed her. He kissed her for about 5 seconds and then pulled away. She looked at him shocked, but then she slowly started to turn back to her normal self.
"I'll be back, when you least expect it", Pitch said before disappearing.
"Are you okay Elsa?", Anna asked.
"I think so, but I think I'm gonna go to bed now", she said heading for the stairs.
"I'll make sure she's ok", Jack said following her.
"Does this happen to you guys often?", Mikey asked.
"You have no idea", Mer answered.
Elsa's POV
What just happened??
I just want to have a villain free life, with my friends and with Jack.
"Babe, you ok?", Jack asked putting his hand on my shoulder.
I couldn't hold it in anymore, I just fell to my knees and let my tears fall. I felt Jack pull me into a hug. I knew I looked weak in front of him, but I just couldn't bottle it up anymore.
"It's gonna be ok", Jack whispered in my ear.
"I just feel so weak. I let him win, I let him control me, and I almost let him hurt you. All because I was too weak to fight back", I said in tears.
He lifted my chin and kissed me softly.
"You are not weak, we both know that you are incredibly strong, physically and mentally", he said.
I shyly smiled at him and kissed him again.
"Can you stay with me tonight?", I asked him quietly.
"Of course Snowflake", he said.
After laying there for 4 minutes I finally fell asleep in Jack's arms.
The Next Morning
We said our goodbyes to the boys and Master Splinter and then we had to get ready for school. I wore a a white crop top with a sweetheart neckline, blue skinny jeans, black leather jacket and knee high heeled boots. I wore my hair down with my purple makeup.
This was our first day back to school since Walt said we were nerd free. Jack was waiting for me outside my bedroom, looking hot as ever.
"Hey baby girl".
"Hey handsome", I said as I kissed him.
"So how's it feel knowing that walking into school, you'll be my girlfriend", he asks me as we walk hand in hand down the hall to the kitchen.
"Great because I'm not ever letting you go", I said squeezing his hand.
Eugene, Mer, and Anna were the only other ones awake downstairs.
"So are you guys ready to go back to school?", Jack asked them.
"No, they still give you too much work", Anna said sounding like a kid.
We grabbed some breakfast and waited for the others that came out one at a time.
Once we were all ready, we headed to the garage and I noticed Hiccup passed his bike and got on with Mer.
I smiled, they're cute together. Eugene and Punzie rode together, Anna and Kristoff, me and Jack and then Naomi and Moana rode separate.
We arrived at school and a group of jocks came over to us.
"Hey, you're pretty, you single?", he asked getting a little too close to me. I pushed him back away from me. "Nope". And then I grabbed Jack's shirt by the collar and kissed him. He was shocked at first, but then he put his hands on my waist and kissed me back. I pulled away, "I'm taken", I said to the jock holding Jack's hand.
"Are any of you girls single?", he asked us.
"I am, but I can't be seen with a man who uses more hair products than I do", Naomi said walking away.
We burst into laughter and walked towards the school.
"Oh my god, that was the highlight of my day!", Mer exclaimed, walking with Hiccup.
We walked to our lockers and noticed a paper stuck to Anna's.
"Fall Fair, whats that?", she asked.
"Oh, it's basically rides, games and food", Kristoff explains.
"We're going!", Anna said shooting her fist in the air.
We laughed.
"Ok ladies, it's tomorrow so make sure to wear something super cute, our outfits have to be on point tomorrow", Punzie said.
"Ok, but we have to do something first", Hiccup said.
We looked at him confused.
"Capture Pitch, during the fight last night, I put a tracker on him", he explained showing us the device.
"Nice work Hic", Mer said checking it out.
"Ok, after school today, we track him down, and shut him down", I said.
Later - After School
We all raced out of school, onto the bikes and followed Pitch's location.
It turned out to be a giant abandoned warehouse. We carefully went inside, checking for traps of any sort. Then we heard a voice.
"Oh, how lovely, company came", said the voice.
"Show yourself you coward", Mer said behind me.
Out came Pitch with the creepiest smile on his face.
He knew we were coming.

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