"Eliza: Alexander, I'm pregnant
Alexander: nO"
"Michael, who you don't know Michael flighing sOlO"
"iM sEnDinG pIcTuReS oF tHe mOsT aMaziNg tRees"
"I'm waiting for my porno load"
"You will be found"
"Dead mom"
"Danny devito"
"Mama motherfucking mia"
"Wait hold on so your telling me i have to make you a PIE?"
"Guess what bitch my wifes jewish"
The Theatre Nerd Bible
Spiritualbeing a theatre nerd is basically a religion at this point If you're a theatre nerd, a true theater nerd then you shall follow this bible this is not meant to offend anyone it's for comedic purposes but I do follow it oop-