Chapter Eighteen

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That's… That's it… Those were my memories ! Jack and I were friends in our past life ! W-we're friends ! And I love him in the past,like I still do until now !

I heard him smirk. "I missed those orange eyes."

I blinked,then laughed. "I know you like the purple ones." I crossed my arms. So… I'm back as a guardian.. Never knew I was a loner back then.

"Come on,we need to get back. North and the others need help. Pitch attacked them." Jack opened the window.

I blinked,then looked at him. "Hey ! I was human,right ? Can I fly ?"

"Tiffa,once you remember your guardian thing,you're not human anymore. So let's go !" He took my hand,then flew off through the window.

Whew. So I can fly now. Hah... But I'm still bothered. Am I that stupid and childish before ? Am I that… Innocent ?

Even when I got trapped under that thick wood… I was thinking of stars. Of what would happen when I die. And what would happen to Jack. I didn't even cry…

Innocence,huh… So… That's it ? Guardian of innocence ? That's my tag name ?

"Yes it is. Good one,Summers."

I blinked,then smiled. Now I don't feel incomplete anymore.

We reached North's workshop. Jack and I went inside,gently landing on our feet and looking around.

The whole place was quiet… Toys were scattered around messily,and North's swords… Were on the ground.

"Jack… Look…" I pointed at the twin swords. Jack looked startled. Flying around,he tried to look for them.

"North ? Tooth ? Sandy ? Anyone ?" He said out loud in worry,looking at every corner. "Bunny ?"

Then,we heard laughs. Both of us tensed up. Gripping our staffs,Jack flew back beside me. He looked behind my back,doing a back-to-back position.

"Oh come on. You're late. You know that." A familiar voice said. I narrowed my eyes as I recognized it.


"Oh,you're back !" He emerged in front of me. I gasped,then threatingly pointed my staff at him. "Back off."

"So love is too powerful to bring you back as a guardian,huh ?" He laughed. Jack turned to him,sending ice. "Shut up ! Where did you bring North and the others ?!"

"Oh. Them ? Easy there,Frostie." Pitch patted a Nightmare's back. "They're just sleeping in my place. You know,reunion for this year ? A sleepover ?"

Jack gritted his teeth. I kept silent,looking at them. Pitch laughed,then made his smirk. His yellow eyes almost glowing. "Don't worry. You both are invited."

Nightmares rose everywhere. Jack looked around. "Uh… Should I… Take the ones in the left and let you take the right…?"

"Maybe," I whispered. And in a count of three,ice and fire started flying around.

Me and Jack did our best to do teamwork. Saving each other's back everytime a nightmare tries to attack from behind.

Until we got separated.

Jack flew up,shooting ice at the nightmares coming at him. While me,I'm stuck on the ground. Sending fire to the nightmares. And they all are around me. No,us. In divided circles.

I'm starting to get exhausted… I stopped to catch my breath,taking steps back. Wrong move,because I got pinned to a corner.

I did my best to keep up. What if I die ? Here ? Now I'm scared. I don't want to die. Not now, now that I know who I really am.

"Go on. My nightmares feed on fear." Pitch laughed,floating above his army of nightmares. I glared at him. "I'm not scared !"

"Really ?" He smirked. It sent chills through my spine. I can still see Jack, struggling to keep up and fight off the nightmares going to him.

Pitch chuckled. "You can help your friends out,Summers." He held the reins of his nightmare,smiling darkly. "Come with me."

I looked startled,blinking. Pitch crossed his arms,snapping his fingers. Then,the nightmares attacking me disappeared. "There ya go. I'll place the others back here safely. Plus,I'll leave your 'Jackie' alone." He grinned. "And all it takes for you is just one,single word."

I went silent,lost of words. It's easy to say yes. But… They might hate me once I went with him…

"Oh. And you want believers,right ?"

My eyes went wide. I looked up at him,before narrowing my eyes. "No… Not with you." I clenched my fists. "Tiffa ! No !" Jack yelled from a distance,grunting in effort to attack the nightmares around him.

"So… What do you say ?" Pitch grinned. I looked at him,then at Jack. Sighing,I looked back at him. "Get your stuff away from Jack first…"

"Tiffa ! Please,don't do this ! He's tricking you !" Jack yelled. I sighed. I'm sorry…

My hand started burning in heat. My staff's gem went dangerously red from orange. Oh no,this is bad. I'm getting scared,my powers are getting faltered.

Pitch gave a satisfied hum,nodding and snapping his fingers. And at the instant,the nightmares disappeared. Jack panted,trying to catch his breath.

I looked down,then sighed. "Fine… I'm going."

"No !" Jack protested,then started flying to me.

Then everything next happened so fast. I was so scared.. By Pitch's prescence,the thought of being with him,and the thought of Jack getting hurt by Pitch. I raised my hands at Jack,trying to stop him. "Stay away !"

"I'm not letting him take you !"

I did my best to keep the boiling power pooling in my hands.

"Stay away !"

I squeezed my eyes shut and… Flash. I lost it. I felt fire flare straight. My eyes went wide as I heard a gasp. I watched my own fire graze his side,together with his arm. Yelping out in pain,he was sent away and slam his back to the hard,brick wall. He dropped his staff,slowly losing consciousness as he landed on the floor with a small thud.

I trembled. Pitch laughed. "That's a good start." He smirked,going to me and taking my hand. "Let's go."

He started dragging me somewhere. But my mind was clouded at what happened. Guilt almost crushed me to pieces as tiny as sand.

What did I do now…?


Is anyone even reading this ? TT~TT

If you are,comment below and say "Jack Frost is <3 !"

Let's see :)


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