Chapter 4: Fire?

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  • Dedicated to My sweet baby brother, Luke C.

As I walk into science class, I can smell the harsh chemicals in the room. I guess we're dissecting. I hate when we do, it stinks sooo bad, but not a 'toss your cookies' kind of stink, its a 'I can smell really bad chemicals, so it must have been a bad day to come to school' kind of stink. There were several different tables. I saw Alex sitting at one, already having all our supplies set up. I silently walk over to our table grabbing the purple goggles sitting on my side, and putting them on. I see the tall, muscular teacher walk in. His bald head shining from the light bouncing off of it. "Ok class, today we are going to start a dissection.

As I walk out of the class room, I can still feel Alex's eyes on me. Surprisingly the whole class period, Alex didn't say a thing to me. I was so happy. I walk in to my final period, as I wait for the bell to ring and signal us to the end of the day.


I walk in my house, through the wood and screen doors, throwing my large purple backpack next to the door. "Hey, don't forget you have to go strait to you room~" I hear Jack say mockingly from behind me. "Hardy har har." I say flatly, turning to glare in his direction. I see mom cooking on the gas stove, in the kitchen. I walk over to her, as she calls my name flipping something on the gas stove. "Angel, I need you to do this list of chores then go to your room. Hurry now, I need those done."

~Do laundry

~Do dishes

~Mow lawn

~Clean room

"Mom!! I cant do all this!" I shout at her, angrily. She turns around sighing, "I said do it, so do it!!" she bellowed loudly. "NO!!!" Suddenly the fire from the gas stove flew into the air and were abruptly surrounding me. "Wha- why are there flames IN THE AIR!!" I hear Jack from the other side of the kitchen. I look over to mom, as if searching for an answer in her eyes. She looks at me panicked, before calming down and letting out a breathy sigh. "I guess its time you know."

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