Twitter post (part 11)

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The person removed their mask that covered their face and my eyes widen at who it is...

Minwoo hyung(He is from Shinhwa)I gradually pick myself up using my hands as I begin to walk up to him.

"Hyung!"I say with thrill.

Minwoo hyung turns around to face me.I smile creeps it's way onto his face.

"Jungkook!"He says and brings his hand up waving me to come to him.

Speeding my pace I reach him and he embraces me in a tight hug.Wrapping my arms around him as well.Slowly pulling away from each other we greet each other.

"How have you been?"He ask me with a grin on his face.

"Really busy,our new album is going to release soon so we have been busy."
"How about you hyung?"I ask with curiosity.

"I've been good,I decided to take a stroll here by Han River."He says as he gazes at the beauty of Han River.

"Why don't we go get something to eat?"I nod immediately at the mention of food.My mouth waters just at the thought of food.

Hyung chuckles as we begin to walk to a place to eat.

Timeskip to when the arrive

My stomach grumbles as we enter the area we choose.

We take a seat near the back so that no one may notice us.

We choose our desired meal before hyung starts a conversation.We smiled and laughed sharing heart-to-heart conversations.Took selfies and posted them immediately receiving a response from our fandom.

We had finish devour our delicious meal.Getting up from our spot setting our hats and mask back onto our face before exiting the door.

We walked along Han River and suddenly it was getting late.We said our salutation before going our separate ways.

Y/n p.o.v

"Uughhhh!!!"I scream into my pillow.
I rise up from my comfy bed rubbing my eyes.I grab my phone that was placed right next to me on my bed.

"I forgot to put my phone to charge.."I say to myself in a raspy morning voice.Switching my phone on my eyes close at the bright light coming from my phone.I blink my eyes a few times,adjusting to the light.

I scan my screen taking note that it is..

""I groan in utter annoyance.


All I can think about is sleep but my head is filled with thoughts not allowing me to fall asleep.

I sigh

Getting out of my  pleasant bed I head towards the kitchen.

I guess if I can't sleep I can eat...

I scan everything that is in the fridge before grabbing a salad that was placed right in front of me.

Idols in Love(Jungkook x reader ff)Where stories live. Discover now