Until He Came Part 4

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**Sry, but it's a little short. But I still hope you enjoy it!

Part 4

Next Day


Ughhhh! Stupid alarm clock. My mom probably set it. Ohh well, no going back to bed now.

I got up, brushed my teeth, fixed my hair in a ponytail, and got dressed.

I walked downstairs, and I saw my mom in the kitchen.

"Ahh, goodmorning Siera. I see the alarm clock did the job for me." my mom said smiling

"Yeah, I guess, whatever." I said with a groan

"Now hurry up, and eat ur toast if you don't want to miss your bus, honey."

She handed me a plate.

I quickly ate it, said good-bye to my mom, and went out te door.

Day two of school. Boy was this going slow or what?

I arrived at the bus stop, and there I saw the same people waiting.

The bus came a few minutes later, and I got on. I saw that Nicole saved me a seat. Good, I wouldn't have to sit next to Kent.

I sat down next to Nicole.

"Hey what's up Siera?" Nicole said greetingly

"Not much, you?" I asked

"Nothing interesting either."

Then I could feel something hit me, like a ball of paper or something. I took it and unfolded it so I could see if there was anything written on it.

"Hey what's that?" Nicole asked

"I don't know either, and I'm going to find out" I unfolded it and saw that there was writing on it. It said:

Hey Siera, I'm sorry about yesturdays incident. I couldn't get a hold of myself, so I kissed you. I know that you think I'm the biggest ass you've ever met, but can you give me another chance, to be like friends or something?

Tell me in Language.


"Umm okay??" Nicole said "What was that all about?? What are you going to do about it?"

"I don't really know myself. What do you think that I should do?"

"Well if I were in your position, I might give him another chance. I mean he isn't that bad of a guy until you meet him. I say give him one more chance, see how it goes, and go on from there."

"I don't know....... I might. We'll see." I finished and we arrived.


In Languge, the minute I saw Kent walk into the room, I went over and grabbed his arm and pulled him over to one of the corners of the room.

I looked him in the eyes. They were beautiful. Shining like diamonds. His eyes were such a nice shade of brown. I could stare at them all day...........

I quickly shook my head and got to the subject.

"Okay, Kent I've decided to give you another chance. Just as long as you don't pull one of your moves on me again." I told him

"Sure, I will try my best." Kent answered. He was breathing hard, his body close to mine. I can't beleive I'm saying this, but I liked it.

I might actually like him.

Kent's POV

She was staring at me in the eyes. I couldn't help but get lost in hers.

She had the longest and the most beautiful eyelashes I have ever seen in my life. These nice sparkling hazel eyes that I couldn't keep off.

She broke our scilence,

"Okay, Kent I've decided to give you another chance. Just as long as you don't pull one of your moves on me again." she told me

"Sure, I will try my best." I answered

I started breathing hard. I couldn't help myself. We were so close to each other that I could feel her breathing on me. I wanted to kiss her so badly, but in order to keep this relationship going, I had to control myself.

I saw her bite he lip. Obviously that got my attention to her lips. A nice shade of pink.

I couldn't help myself any longer. I leaned over ad kissed her. She didn't jump or anything. She just stood there, relaxed. I could feel her hand coming up to my neck. She was enjoying this, I could tell. She started kissing back. Now her hands were in my hair, and mine were on her waist.

I was enjoying every minute of this

Siera's POV

He leaned over and kissed me. Again. This time, I was hoping he would. He was so handsome and tall I couldn't help but kiss back. My hands were in his hair, his were on my waist. I wish this lasted forever.

We broke the kiss. We were both breathing hard.

"I guess this means that we're together now, right?" I asked

"I hoped you would ask that." he said with a slight chuckle. "Yes, we are together."

"But aren't you dating Olivia?" I asked

"We were never technically 'Dating'. I never asked her to be my girlfriend. I was going to dump her anyway. She wasn't my type."

"Ohh, and what's your type?" I said smiling

"Ohh, well you know," he paused and leaned over and kissed me again. "You."

"You barley even know me, Kent."

"I know, but I still think your beautiful, and that's all that matters now."

He smiled, pecked me on the lips, and we both sat down next to each other. I still made sure that Nicole was next to me too.

I was begining to like Kent a lot now. More like love him.

Geez, what a hot guy and a good kiss could do to you.

** PLEASE comment!!!!

I am not going to update till I have at least 5 comments. I really want to know what you guys think.


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