Until He Came Part 8

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Part 8

Going back to school, with Rachel being in almost all my classes, was very uncomfortable and weird now after what happened. I only told Nicole and Jenny about what happened, not Kent. I don't think that I should tell him just yet.

What I ask myself is why everybody hits on me. Kent on the first day of school and then Rachel at my house. I mean I won't be surprised if it happenes again. It's kind of weird when I think of it. It send shivers down my spine.

School has been pretty boering lately, nothing new. Boering classes, boering subjects, boering teachers, boering everything!! School is useless when nothing exciting happens.

Today I was walking down the hallway. On the way I saw Kent. He was in a corner with his back facing me. He was doing something, I could tell, something sneaky. I came closer, and I could start to outline an image of someone else in front of Kent. I kept walking and then finally saw what was going on. He was making out with this girl named Jessica. She was as tall as me, straitened brown hair, with tannish skin. She was in a few of my classes, like 2, and we weren't like friends or anything, so I dnt know her so well.

"Well, isnt this just what I expected?" I said loud and clear for both of them to hear me. They stopped kissing and looked my way.

"Ummmmmmm................who are you?" Jessica asked. Right now I wanted to slap her hard in the face.

"Ummmmmmm................his girlfriend, thank you. And what are you doing making out with him, may I ask before I punch both of you in the face. You," I said pointing toward Kent, "for cheating on me when we have dated for over three months now, and you," I looked back toward Jessica, "for kissing my boyfriend. Ohhh, wait make that X-boyfriend." again I looked at Kent. I can't beleive he did this to me. I thought he loved me, I thought I loved him. But no there was no real connection between us. Now I can see that clearly now. My eyes started to water. I turned around and walked away to my locker. I heard Kent calling my name but I didn't even bother to pay attention to him. I just kept walking. I was heart broken.


I got on the bus and sat down next to Nicole. I was in a bad mood all day. I realy wanted to go home, where I was alone and no one could disturb me.

"Hey, why so down in the dumps?" Nicole asked

"Nicole," I just saw Kent walk onto the bus. He sat in te seat right next to us. "I don't want to talk about it."

"Okay, but I have something to tell you. So today I just heard that we are having a school dance. I'm sooo excited!! I bet I know who he's taking." she said nudging my shoulder and motioning toward Kent.

"Yeah, I bet I know too!" I said so that he could hear me. I looked at him. It made me so sad to think of how he betrayed me.

"Siera, look you don't-" he started

"I don't want to hear it Kent! Your a jerk and I should have known that this would happen from the start. I was stupid not to see it. What's done is done, and you can't change a thing about it." I sighed and looked straight foward.

"Siera, it wasn't what it looked like. She-"

"Dont talk to me! I don't care how it happened and who started it. All I know is that it DID happen, and I saw it. Now just leave me alone. I don't want to talk to you again." I felt Nicoles arm on me. I looked toward her.

"Oh my gosh, did he......." she looked at me in s sorrow face. I nodded. "Oh,I'm so sorry! Don't worry Siera, It will be alright. I guess that jerk wasn't meant to be with you. He's not meant to be with any girl. He was made to live alone. Live his selfish little life, without breaking anyones heart again."

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