Until He Came Part 6

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Part 6

It's been about 2 months now. Both Kent and I have been dating. We have gotten closer together, and I'm beginning to like this relationship.

So today in Language, our teacher tells us that we have a new student, Rachel. She seemed really nice. She had wavy brownish hair, average height, and not to skinny and not too fat. :)

The bad thing is that I had to be her "buddy" since she had most of my classes. Don't get me wrong here, I'm not saying that she's a bad person, it's just me. I'm not a helping type of person. I don't know how to explain. Depends on the situation I guess.

She came and sat next to me. Okay, good impression, I told myself. You want to get on her good side, not bad one.

"Hi, I'm Siera." I said giving her a smile

She didn't even look my way. Umm, what the heck?

"Umm......." I began but I was interrupted by her.

"Look, I don't want to be here anymore than you do. So shut up and all you do is take me to my classes. Okay?" she said flipping her hair back. Woah! She has a sparky attitude.

"Umm, I'm sorry but-" she turned around, clapped her hands together lightly, made a fake smile, and interrupted me again.

"Okay, girl, what don't you get? You just keep shut, and so will I, and we will get this crap over with. Do you have a problem with that, because I can surely help you understand." she nodded her head with the fakest smile ever.

Way to be on her nice side. But how is this my fault?! I didn't do anything. She has a bad attitude, and ruined it for both of us. Ohh well, her loss.

I caught up with Kent after class.

"So how's the new girl, Rachel?" he said

"Fantastic! Couldn't be better!" I said sarcastically.

"Ummmm, Siera, is everything alright?" he was having this confused look on his face.

"Psshhh! Totally!! She's perfectly FINE!!" I took a deep breath in. I started walking toward my locker. You know whats even better? That she has to be in almost all of my classes. Yeah, unbelievable. Whatever. I will just have to live with it.

I saw her and took her to Math, and I made sure that she didn't sit next to me.

"So, how is it going with the new girl??" Nicole asked me.

"Ughhh, don't even get me started on her, please."

"What did she do? She seems like a nice girl."

"Seems, but she's not. She has the biggest attitude. I started introducing myself, and she goes, 'Look I don't want to be here anymore than you do, so shut up. All you have to do is take me to my classes.'"

Just thinking about it makes me feel sick. I can't believe that I have to be stuck with her.

"Wow. She does have an attitude. I don't see why she had to be so mean to you. You didn't do anything, did you?"

"NO! My point proven exactly! It's not like I was trying to be mean to her or anything. If I had to be stuck with her, I would at least try to get on her nice side, you know? But no. She doesn't understand that concept. Look I don't feel like talking about her right now. Let's just change the subject."

"Okay, whatever you say." Nicole said


It was almost the end of the day. 6th period. Jenny was in this class with me. I told her about Rachel too, and her reaction was the same as Nicole's.

6th period was my Science class. I'm kind of good at that subject I guess. Kent was in this class too. I sat with him and Jenny. Rachel sat behind us. Yes, she was here too.

"So, how is it going with Rachel?" Kent asked me.

"Ughhh! Do I have to tell you??" I whined

"Yes, you do, now come on and spill the beans." he said. I told him everything, about her attitude towards me, and how she probably hates my guts. You know, the basics. His reaction was one of those, 'omg, really?' type of ones.

Anyway, in science we ended up getting a project. Yipee!


School ended, and I got on the bus. Today I sat with Kent. We talked about different kinds of things. Blah blah blah.

I came home and mom was obviously in the kitchen.

"Hi, Im home!" I yelled loud enough for her to hear me.

"Hey sweetie! Look, honey, go get ready for tonight. We are having guests come over. My step-sister just called a few days ago, saying that they bought a house around the place. I suggested they come over for dinner so that we can have like a little reunion. I haven't seen her for a very long time. She also has a daughter about your age so you can make friends with her, k?" she looked up at me to make sure I was paying attention to anything I was saying, because I tend to doze off in boering subjects.

"Ummmmmm.......sure I guess." I turned around and walked up the stairs to my room. I fell onto my bed. I was really tired.

I took a quick nap, got a shower, and put on some nice presentable clothes.

"Honey, they are coming in 5 minutes!!!! Are you ready?!" she said yelling from the bottom of the stairs

"Yeah mom!!" I yelled back.

A few minutes later I heard the doorbell ring.

"I'll get it!" I yelled and I ran down the stairs.

I opened the door and I saw the last person I ever wanted to see in my whole life.


**Hope u guys liked it. Sorry but I updated a little late. I was busy this week with thanksgiving and everything. It also might be a bit short. I will try to make the part longer. Also, last thing, in part 7 I will include links to the characters picture.

I will try to update soon. But I need comments. The more comments, the more I write and the faster I update.


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