Chapter 3

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I woke up the next morning and showered quickly, I brushed my teeth and finished up in the bathroom.

I brushed my hair and pulled on my underwear...I pulled on a maroon stopped by my knees.

I pulled on black sandals and looked at myself in the mirror and sighed.

My bedroom was quite big.. As you walk in to your right would be my walk in closet and next to it is my Queen sized bed...Black lace bedding, along with two marble side tables and two lamps.

To your left is my vanity and bathroom, In front of me is two huge floor to ceiling windows.

I walked out of my bedroom and down the stairs and to the kitchen, I drank my smoothie slowly.

I walked to the living room.

My Grandmother was sitting on the couch near the windows.

She stood up, I saw another woman, she stood up and looked at me, she was an older woman...

She is absolutely gorgeous.

She had red hair, green eyes, pale skin like basically everyone in my family and freckles she looked so good for her age.

She was in tight blue jeans, a blue button down shirt and black heels.

My Grandmother walked to me and lead me farther into the room.

"She's beautiful Esme"the woman said smiling.

I smiled and shook her hand.

"Lovely to meet you gorgeous" she said sitting down with me.

I smiled and blushed, my Grandmother kissed my cheek and left walking to her study.

Emma stroked my hand.

"How are you?"

"I'm good and you gorgeous?"

"I'm good thank you"

"So tell me about you?" she whispered and sat back stroking my arm slowly, I shivered and sat back she just smiled and kissed my hands.


I shook my head and blushed, Fuck I am seriously fucking this up.

"Calm down, just breath angel"she whispered.

I looked at her she kissed me softly and nudged her nose with mine.

I smiled and bit my lip, she moaned softly and moved closer to me, "You are so perfect" she whispered.

I held her hand and giggled softly.

"What would you like to do today?" she whispered.

"We could go out for something to eat?" I asked softly, even though my body wanted other things...liking taking her up to my room and letting her-

My Grandmother, walked back in "Everything alright?" she asked putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Yes gran"

She nodded and smiled.

"I'm taking her out for a bite to eat if that's alright?"Emma said.

My Grandmother nodded and stepped back, I stood up with Emma she took my hand.

"Ill see you later, bye gran"

"Bye my angel"

Emma and I walked out of the house and out into the front yard.

A white Land Rover Evoque was parked outside, she unlocked it and held open the passenger door for me. I got in and strapped myself in and looked at the trees outside.

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