Chapter 10

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Honey do you understand why this has to happen?"

I looked at my Grandmother and nodded...I can only see Lana for a few hours.. because I saw her a week before I was supposed to and I felt bad.

"I understand gran, Im not going to see her for long okay?"

She nodded and kissed my hand, I walked to my bedroom and showered, shaved,brushed my teeth and hair, and finished up the rest.

Once I was done in the bathroom, I pulled on a strapless, black lace bra.. with black lace undies.

I pulled my new dress on and stared at myself in the mirror...okay..

I put deodorant on, a little make up and then pulled my hair up into a bun.

I decided to forgo shoes and walked downstairs.. the dress hugged my had spaghetti straps with crystals.. the dress flowed to just above my knee.. the Chanel logo in black crystal on the chest.

I smiled and walked to the kitchen ,a smoothie was waiting for me, I drank it quickly the chef took the empty glass. I walked to the living room my Grandmother was reading near the window.. her reading glasses perched on her nose. She was wearing a red dress and black heels, my Father was in a black suit, no tie and Dolce and Gabbana shoes.

My Grandmother looked up and whistled, "Wow"

My Father who was on his laptop, looked up at saw me,"....You look beautiful, sweetheart"

I smiled and blushed, "Are you sure its okay?"

They nodded,"That's what Lana got you?"

I nodded, my Father nodded.

I nodded and sat down next to him, "That woman loves to spoil you"

I nodded, "I got them each something if its okay?"

They nodded, my Father kissed my nose and went back to work, my Grandmother went back to her book.

I stared out the window and bit my lip....does the dress actually look okay?

I heard the roar of a engine outside, I squealed and ran to the front door throwing it open ,I walked outside, Lana parked her Rolls Royce and got out she looked at me and smiled. She stopped and stared at me taking her Gucci sunglasses off.. she was dressed in a blue Gucci dress and grey Prada heels.

"You look stunning my angel"

I smiled and twirled for her, "You look amazing"

She smiled, locking her car and walking to me, she stopped a step below me and hugged me," I am so sorry about last week.."

"...I didn't know she was here"

I smiled and kissed her slowly, she wrapped her arms around me slowly, running her hands across my back.

I pulled back slowly, she smiled and walked inside, I closed the door, we walked to the living room my Father stood up and shook her hand, my Grandmother stood up and hugged her, we sat on the couch nearest to the exit, "Thank you for spoiling my daughter" my Father said smiling, Lana smiled and nodded, "Of course...always" she said softly kissing my cheek softly.

My Father looked at his a laptop screen and frowned,"Mom.. we're needed at the office, now"

My Grandmother closed her book and stood up, she walked to her study and came back with her handbag, she kissed my cheek and smiled. My Father kissed my cheek and packed everything up.. they left quickly. I looked at Lana she smiled and kissed me softly...."How are you feeling?"

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