Chapter 8

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I have one month until I have to make my decision.

Emma walked into my bedroom and locked the door behind her, she smiled and bit her lip.

"I missed you so much"

I hugged her, "I missed you too"

She kissed me slowly, I smiled and giggled, we walked down to the living room, we sat down on the couch and cuddled, my Father was in my Grandmothers study.

"What would you like to do today?" she whispered.

I shivered happily and bit my lip.


My Father walked into the room he picked up his phone, and looked at me.

"Good morning sweetie, Good morning Emma"

I waved, "Good morning Victor"

My Father kissed my cheek and walked to the kitchen, he was dressed in a black suit today.

I was dressed in a black dress.

My Grandmother waved to us and stormed after my Father.

"Victor listen to me!"

"Mom, Im not listening to that nonsense!"

I giggled and kissed Emma softly she smiled and pulled me onto her lap, I giggled and looked at her,shirt.. she wore a tight black pencil skirt, a red silk blouse and red heels.

I unbuttoned the one button, "You can do all of them if you'd like"

I smiled and bit my lip.."....Victor!"

My Father rounded the corner and stormed into my Grandmothers study, "We can talk in here"

My Grandmother rounded the corner and looked at me, she stopped and breathed deeply "Not on the couch"

She walked to her study and closed and locked the door, I breathed deeply, They didn't usually Grandmother and Father are so close.. I don't know why they're fighting but it does worry me..alot. Emma smiled at me and kissed me softly, "Show me your room again?" she whispered and smiled, I stood up and walked up the stairs pulling Emma with me.

I showed her to my bedroom and closed and locked the door.

Emma whistled in appreciation and looked around the room.


I smiled and pressed myself against the door, watching her walk around the room.

"Your Father and Grandmother will be fine"

I nodded and smiled at her, she undid her blouse slowly.

I bit my lip and watched her silently.

"I would be a lot better if you took your shirt off"

She looked at me, stopping by my bed.

"Really now..."

"..and if I took off everything?" she said softly slipping her blouse off revealing a black lacy bra.

She unzipped her skirt and let it slip down her legs revealing matching underwear.

"Holy Jesus"

She smiled and walked to the window, "I think maybe you should be saying my name"

She turned to me, "Rather screaming it"

I blushed and slipped my dress off revealing a matching pair of black underwear.

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