Chapter 5

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2 weeks later...

Its been two weeks since I've seen Jenna and I'm supposed to see Lana soon.. I'm currently walking around the garden with Titan.

I breathed in the fresh air and smiled.

I looked towards the pool and saw a woman sitting by herself, I frowned and walked towards her, Titan found Zeus and ran off with him.

The woman turned to looks good..

She smiled and stood up, she had brown flowing hair, green is she 55?!

She had beautiful pale skin.

She had a teal blue dress on and black Prada heels.

"You must be Claudia"

I smiled and nodded, she shook my hand and sat me down, she sat by me and held my hand.

"You must be Lana"I asked softly.

She nodded, "Guilty as charged"

I giggled and smiled.

"You are so beautiful"

"You are beautiful"she whispered.

I kissed her cheek she kissed my hand and stroked her thumb over my palm.

"You have a gorgeous Granddaughter, Esme"

I turned and saw my Grandmother walking to us, In navy pants-suit and matching heels.

My Grandmother smiled and nodded, putting her hand on my shoulder.

"Thank you Lana"

Lana looked at me again, I smiled and blushed, my Grandmother kissed my cheek, "Have fun"

She walked back towards the house, Lana kissed my hand and stroked my cheeks.

"Ready to go?"

I nodded, We walked around the house and to the a pearl white McLaren.

Lana helped me in and got behind the wheel and drove away from the house.

"How about a day at the park?"

I nodded and looked down at my bare feet.. I froze.

" I don't have shoes on"

She nodded and shrugged, clearly not caring all that much.

"That's fine love"

We drove on for a while...when we stopped we were at a quiet, little park.

We got out the car and walked into the park.. I looked around as a few kids kicked around a ball, while their parents watched.

Lana lead me to a huge oak tree, she had a bottle of wine with her.

We sat down she pulled me against her.

She opened the wine and took a sip from the bottle, I smiled.

She offered me the bottle, I took a sip and put it down she kissed my cheek and stroked her hand down my arm slowly.

"Tell me about yourself"I said.

She kissed my forehead, "What would you like to know?" she whispered.


Lana took another sip of wine and offered it to me, I drank and held the bottle.

"Well I'm a defense lawyer, I am very busy person, When I do have the time I love to read, or travel...I don't have much family in or around New York"

I nodded.

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