Chapter 10

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I went back to class after my break down with Simon. No later than three minutes after I sat down I got called on the intercom.

"Fable Adaire, please make your way to the office."

I sighed and left class again. What could it possibly be. I walked into the main office and the lady at the desk with short red hair told me to go straight into the dean's office. It looks like I'm in trouble again. Who actually cares though, not me that's for sure.

I stared at my feet as I knocked on the door. A low but friendly voice responded for me to come in. I quickly opened the door and slipped in. There was a middle aged woman with dark black hair sitting across the principle. Mr. Bean had a long face with wrinkles from laughing. He was actually a really nice person. He has gotten me out of a lot of trouble.

I sat in the seat that wasn't taken by the women and looked at my hands.

"You're not in trouble Ms. Adaire," Mr. Bean said with a smile. I looked up from my hands with a curious look. This could be really bad or really good.

"Okay" I said with an uncertain tone.

"I would like to introduce you to Mrs. Watson" he motioned his hand over to the woman. She gave me a warm smile which I returned.

"It's so nice to meet you Fable, Im Elizabeth Watson. I'm a caseworker here in Colorado" she introduced herself. Why would a case worker want to talk to me? My heart started beating really fast and my palms got sweaty.

"Nice to meet you" I tried to keep my voice even.

"The reason I'm here today is because we got an anonymous tip about your father." What the hell? Who said something? Only Simon knew, I'm going to kill him.

"What about my father?" I laughed. Can I talk myself out of this?

"We know that you're not safe at home" Mr. Bean said, crossing his hands.

"I assure you I am" I gave my biggest smile like this was all funny.

"Well whether you tell us or not, your mom has been contacted and informed" Mrs. Watson said. I burst out laughing.

"Okay, thank you guys for the fun talk, see you later Bean" I laughed standing up and leaving.

Fury consumes my body as I wait for Simon to walk out of the classroom door. The bell rang seconds ago. Finally I see the red haired mop come out of the room. He sees me and he knows hes in trouble.

"Fable, I can explain" He tells me. I get three inches from his face and glare.

"Watch me ignore you so much you start to doubt your own existence. I dont want to hurt you. But you hurt me." I say in a deadly calm voice.

The walk home was quiet and seemed to drag on forever. I can't believe the school thought my mother would care enough to come back after thirteen years! They were right about my dad though, but there's nothing they can do about it. My sweater scratched the scab on my arm from yesterday, I just adjusted it and kept walking. I finally got to my neighborhood and walked to my house. It was almost three so school should be getting out soon anyways.

I opened the wooden door and slipped inside the house, careful to be silent. I dropped my bag at the door and walked further in. I heard someone in the living room yelling in a quiet voice. I quickly walked over to the couch and saw something unimaginable. A woman with bleached long wavy hair and bright green eyes was standing over my dad. She was yelling at him as he just sat there. I noticed that there were no beer cans around him, theyre were still some on the floor and the house stunk, but he looked completely sober.

"You can't do this Jim" she yelled picking up a blue can from the floor putting it in his face. He slightly turned his face away from it with a look of shame. I felt like I was watching an owner yell at a dog. It made me slightly uncomfortable to be honest.

"Mom" my voice was barely a squeak. She swiftly dropped the can and looked at me. Her eyes went from hard to soft in a blink.

"Fable!" She said as she walked towards me. She had her arms out and tried to wrap them around me. I took a step back away from her, she looked confused.

"Don't touch me" I said sternly. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes.

"Honey" she said softly as if I was a child. I shook my head and started walking towards the stairs.

"No you can't just come back after leaving me and expect me to hug you. That's- that's not how this works" I yelled breathing heavy and running up the stained carpet stairs. I slammed my door and sank down to the ground. I let the tears run down my face. I stood up with shaky hands and walked over to my closet. On the top shelf was a small box, I pulled it down and set it on my bed. Inside was a few grams of weed, and a small bong. Now before you judge, if you were in my shoes you would need something to take off the edge as well. I took it out of the box and lit it with my lighter that I hide under the bed. It put it in my mouth and smoked it. I put the box back in my closet and walked to my bed. On the way I cracked the window open so I wouldn't hot box the place. I noticed that Cody's bedroom light was off which means he still wasn't home.

I stopped thinking and just let the drugs consume me. I laughed a little bit as I laid on my bed. Nothing was funny, but I laughed. What else was I going to do? When the bowl was almost gone I threw it away and stuffed my face in my pillows. My head started to hurt so I let the darkness consume me.

I woke up to someone gently shaking me. I rolled over and swatted them away. They kept nudging me, "What!"

"Can you please get up, I want to take you for some food," said the voice. I looked over at the face and saw a nice chiseled jawline and bright blue eyes.

"Cody?" I asked mumbling in my sleep induced state.

"Yeah, when I got here some women said that I should just take you tonight" he explained. I rolled my eyes and sat up.

"That's my mom" I grumbled. His eyes widened in shock as he slowly nodded his head.

"Fabe it smells so bad in here. Were you smoking?" He asked. How do I respond? Do I tell him the truth? I looked at him with a plain expression. He already knew the answer I didn't need to answer. He sighed and walked over to my window and opened it all the way. He also lit the candle on my nightstand with the lighter and then turned towards me.

"We can run to my house and get you something to wear that doesn't stink" he sighed. I crawled out of bed, my head pounding. I walked slowly to the bathroom and locked the door. I grabbed some aspirin and some water then left. Cody was waiting for me outside of the door. When I walked downstairs I noticed the house was starting to look nicer. All the beer cans had gone away and the disgusting smells were starting to disappear.

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