The meeting

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3 days before the night....

It was a hot day at beach city. The sun was at his prime and the sea was crowded with people. The city was filled with tourist which one of them was a special tourist. A boy named Aang. He didn't look any different then the most people, except his tattoo on his forehead and his monk clothes. He came too beach city too find a teacher. But he didn't have much of succes. He walked around and asked people about the gems. No one knew what he was talking about and claimed him crazy. He brushed his bald head and kept looking. After a long time he came too the beach at the fair end of the city. And he saw a fench. 'This could be it' he smiled and jumped enthusiast over the fench. He walked around and saw a house. 'Wow' he said and walked too the house. He knocked on the door and a women opened. It wasn't an ordinary women. She was long and red. She had big glasses on and squared hair. 'Ehm hi I'm Aang and I'm searching for a teacher.' 'No teachers here' she said and slammed the door in Aangs face. 'Wait!' screamed Aang 'your hands'. He knew what he saw was real. Two gems. Two red gems. She must be his teacher. He sat down on the porch and started thinking. He knew that he was right where he should be. Roku told it him. Roku couldn't be wrong about something so important. Aang couldn't give up so he sat down and waited until someone would come out of the house.

After a few hours there came 6 women out the house. Aang stayed calm and asked. 'Who of you is my teacher?'. The red women answered again 'there is no teacher here and if you don't leave I will remove you.' 'Please Garnet it's just a simple human' said the second women. She was a yellow elegant women. She had a long nose and curious eyes. 'I don't need to be removed.' ' I'm just searching for a gem who can teach me the elements.' ' And my past life said me that I needed to be here in beach city.' The women looked at each other. 'How do you know that we are gems?' said the yellow women. 'Roku told me.' 'Roku?' 'No way' ' how?'. The women started to argument with each together and eventually went back too Aang. 'We will teach you'. They said and Aang jumped 100 meter in the sky and laughed. 'THANK YOU SO MUCHH!' he screamed and land back in front of them. He smiled and hoped he came to the right place.

'I'm Garnet' said the red lady. 'I'm pearl' said the yellow women. 'I'm amethyst' it was the purple lady who talked this time. She was short and had long wild hair. 'I'm Peridot' said the other short gem. She was green and looked at Aang with a curious face. 'I'm Bismuth' Aang looked up from the short gems and looked at Bismuth. She was a grey gem with rainbow hair. She was tall and had a strong vibe. 'And this is lapis' said Pearl. Aang looked at Lapis, but Lapis didn't look back. Lapis was a blue gem with a dress and blue short hair. I'm Aang and I can't wait to begin' said Aang enthusiast. 'Well you have too wait' it was Garnet. ' We have a mission so the teaching has too wait'. ' Well can I help?' asked Aang hopefull. 'Ahh come on Garnet led him come with us' said Amethyst. ' He could join our short squad' said Peridot and she grabbed Aangs hand and pulled him closer to her. 'Please Garnet?' 'Ugh fine, but if he stands in the way he never comes to mission's again'. 'Deal!' Screamed Amethyst, Peridot and Aang at the same time.
'Let's go.'

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