The mission

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'Ugh we are walking for days!' mokked Amethyst. 'No it is actually only been 20 minutes' said Pearl and smiled. 'Well it sure feels like forever!'. 'Calm down Amethyst we are here' said Garnet and points to a big building. It looked like a huge tower with a lot of stairs. 'Lapis go check the area' Lapis nodded and looked back at Aang and had a big smile on her face. She jumped and out of her gem on her back appeared water wings. She flew off and let the rest behind. Aang admired the view and was shocked by the relativation that just one of the gems flew away a with her own wings. 'Wow!' yelled Aang 'Can you guys all fly?!'. 'No we all have our own abilities' said Garnet. 'Like this' Peridot concentrated and let a metal can fly in the sky. 'Wow awesome!' yelled Aang. 'Silence we need to concentrate' said Garnet quick and ran behind a rock and hide. The rest followed her quick and effective. They waited for Lapis to return, but she didn't. 'Where is Lapis?' asked Aang. 'She will come back' said Garnet ' We need to stay in position'. ' It just doesn't feel right, I'm gonna look for her'. 'Stay in position' 'no'. Aang ran to the building and opened the door. He looked behind for one second, but his mind was made up. He was gonna look for her.

When Aang arrived inside he saw the guards. He quickly jumped up the cealing and stayed there with airbending beneath him. He moved around and wanted to go through the door where the guards were standing for. But the door was closhed. Aang waited until someone came trough the door and he slipped in. He saw a even bigger room and more guards. Some guards came trough a door and Aang could hear their conversation. 'So unfair we shouldn't be by the shattering of her gem'. 'Yeah bummer I wish she could be shattered twice, but unfortunately they just die then.'
Aang tried to hold his breath and not make a sound. He should get help, but what if they came too late then. No he needed to act now. He jumped down and blew all of the guards against the wall except for one. The other guards fell and past out. He grabbed the one remaining guard by his chest. ' Where is she?!' He screamed. The guard shook and pointed to a door. Aang knocked the guard down and ran to the door. He opened it quietly and went quick in. He saw two men and Lapis. She was onconsious and tied up before a machine. The machine had a sharp metal drill what came closer every second to Lapis. Aang run to Lapis and blasted the machine away with a air blast. The machine got knocked back and hit the guards. They fell on the ground and stayed there. While Aang untied Lapis one of the guards snuck behind him and hit him with his spear. Aang began too bleed and grabbed his arm where he got stabbed. Aang turned around and blasted the guard away. He quickly completely untied Lapis and hold her in his arms.

Aang ran trough the building with pain in his arm who kept bleeding. He struggled with holding Lapis in his arms and fell. He didn't let her go and stood right up again. 'Don't give up Aang' he said to himself and ran further. Outside he didn't saw the rest. He ran behind the rock but they weren't there. Aang didn't know what to do so he ran in the direction they came from. He ran into the forest and fell again. His arm hurt to much, so he layed Lapis down. He ripped a part of his shirt off and tied it around his arm. It started to get dark so he made a fire. Lapis was still onconsious. He put a pall of leaves under her head and checked if she wasn't cold. She felt normal and he sighed releaved. Aang tried to get his wound stop bleeding but no succes. He felt woozy but he kept strong.

After a while Lapis woke up. She looked around and jumped right up. 'What happend, where am I, where are those monster???'. 'Its oke you're safe, we escaped.' She looked around again and released where she was. 'Why are we in the forest?'. 'I couldn't find the others'. 'There must has happen something they would never leave there post'. 'Maybe because I went to look for you?' She looked at Aang. 'You came for me?, only you?'. 'Yes, they tought nothing was wrong and I disagreed.' Lapis came closer to Aang and carefully gave him a hug. 'Thank you' she said and she dropped a tear on his wound. The wound healed. Aang was shocked and looked surprised at Lapis. She looked shocked as well. 'I never cried before, I didn't know.' 'Well thank you.' They stared at each other and said nothing.
After a while Lapis stood up and said 'We should get back to the house maybe they returned'.

They walked to the house and found the gems sitting on the couch. Aang looked at Lapis. She looked mad. Lapis stormed inside and screamed: 'how dare you guys just leave us behind like that!'. The gems looked at them at the same time and said together: 'we have been told that you guys were home'. Aang tapped Lapis on her shoulder. 'Something doesn't feel right', I think this is a distraction we need too get out of here!' But before Lapis and Aang knew it was already to late. The door closed and the cage dropped on top of them. They were captured. Again. At least again for Lapis.

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