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^Roseanna above

ON MY SEVENTH birthday, I noticed him. The little shy boy across the street. My birthday party was in my front yard, and he was sitting in the grass, playing with his toys. He kept looking at my party, his eyes lingering towards my cake.

I had no choice but to invite him over, as my mom told me to. That's when our friendship really started.

He said his name was Jake and we quickly became best friends. I've never had one as true as him. Whenever I got hurt, he would aid me. Whenever I was sad, he was there for me. He was a real friend, and I'll never forget it.

He is the ultimate best friend anyone could ask for. And since I was seven, he had been there for me.

I'm seventeen now, and Jake has never let me down. We are a lot alike, we're perfect for each other. Our only difference is that he has always found love easily, while I can't. Even though it annoys me, I don't let it ruin our friendship.

In fact, I want our "friendship" to go to the next level. I've always had a crush on Jake, since the summer day I saw him in his yard.

"Honey! Jake said he would pick you up at 8:40! Start getting ready!" My mom yelled from the kitchen.

Rolling my eyes I went through my closet. After a while of searching, I picked out a cute black dress I thought was perfect for the Halloween Dance.

I checked my phone.

8:26 pm

The Halloween dance started at nine. I walked into the bathroom and started to apply my makeup.

I put some mascara and some chapstick on. I really don't wear a lot of makeup, I find it time consuming. Plus, Jake said he doesn't like girls wearing a lot of makeup. So I try not to, I have to impress him, don't I?

I quickly curled my extremely light brown hair and ruffled it. Suddenly my phone dinged.

Jake: I'll be there in 10-15 mins. Hurry up!

Me: Ok. I'm almost done.

While finalizing my finishing touches, I heard the doorbell ring.
Did fifteen minutes pass by that fast?

I quickly grabbed my purse and rush to get the door.

"Bye mom!" I yelled.

"Bye honey! Be back by 12!" She yelled back.

"Okay, I promise!" I said, then shut the door.

Jake was standing there in a suit and tie, ready to get in the car. He looked so good, I just couldn't keep my eyes off him.

"What are you looking at?" he joked.

Even though I knew he was joking I couldn't help but blush. I always get butterflies in my stomach and I can't speak properly when I'm around him. I get super nervous so all I could stammer was, "I-I like your shirt."

He just chuckled, which somehow managed to make me feel worse.

"Let's just get into the car," I said, visibly embarrassed.

We got inside and he backed up.

"So are you excited for this dance? My friends said that there will be a blackout dance. That's where you pull a random person and you dance with them. But you don't know who your dancing with, because it's pitch black!" he told me.

"Jake, you know I'm not good at dancing," I said, while slapping him playfully. To be honest, I was kind of nervous because I don't know how to dance that well. And I don't know who I'm even gonna try to dance with, since I'm no good at it.

"Come on, it's not gonna be that bad," he said.

Soon enough, we arrived at the dance. It was held in a weird garage but there was lights and banners streaming everywhere.

I grabbed Jake's hand as we entered through the doors. I tried on to show that I was actually so nervous to be grabbing his hand.

Suddenly Dave, Jake's enemy stepped in front of us. They've hated each other ever since high school. Jake and Dave were both popular and always compete with each other. They always want to see who could get the most girls. But, they were both good looking too.

Jake had brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. Dave had lighter hair with hazel eyes.

"I see you've got a girl Jake, but watch it. I'll have two!" he said, laughing.

Jake glared at him. "No I'm not competing now."

"Haha, are you to scared?" Dave joked as he walked away, leaving Jake seething.

"Jake, are you okay? Just ignore him. He doesn't deserve to talk to you. You're to good for him." I mentioned.

"Yeah you're right. Let's just enjoy the party," he said, leaving to talk with someone else.

I walked over get some food when Dave appeared out of nowhere. He scared me and I accidently spilled my water on him.

"Ugh!" he screamed.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry Dave! I didn't mean it!" I apologized.

"That's alright," he growled at me.

I was hoping he would get to mad because when he gets mad, he get extremely mad.

"Anyway," he said looking up, "I came to ask you on a date."

Did I just hear right? Dave Miles wanted to ask me on a date?

He is good looking and he doesn't seem that bad. No get it together. He's a player. He's probably just trying to date me for the competition with Jake.

"Uh, no thanks."

His face turned dark.

"Really? Are you sure?"

"Yeah I'm sure. Sorry."

He ignored my apology and walked off.

I went to dance floor and began looking for Jake when the lights came off.

The DJ yelled, "Blackout dance! Grab someone and dance!"

Suddenly I felt a hand grab my waist.

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