Part 4

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The cafeteria was filled with chatter and clinking of dishes. It was breakfast. Edd, Matt and Tom sat at one of the tables. Edd had eggs with bacon and bread, Matt had a vanilla pudding and Tom had toasts.

  "So, what do you say?" Matt smiled at his friends, expecting any feedback about the changes he wanted to make in the Rebellion Base.

  "Well I think it's great, it just needs a few things here and there, but otherwise, good." Edd replied.

  Tom stopped eating at the feeling of others watching him. "Tom? How about you?"

  "Um... It was great-"

  "You weren't listening!" Matt complained.

  "I- I'm... Fine, I'm sorry. I didn't get much sleep today. The incident and all." When he looked at the clock on wall in front of him, his heart stopped. 'Shit.' Tom got up, put the tray on the counter to the kitchen and headed for the infirmary as fast as he could. On the way, he waved at his friends. "Sorry, got to go, see you later."

  His teeth grinded against eachother. With every step, his side hurt. It was like if someone stabbed him in the same place again and again.

  Even tho it hurt like shit, he was glad that it got him. Two days ago, Edd had a speech. It was big. The whole base was there, listening what he had to say. He talked about new area being built in the base, also introducing the new soldiers that joined them.It was going smoothly until he started to talk about their special prisinor. Everyone was mad about leaving Tord alive, but no matter how they were angry, talking to each other or yelling at Edd, Tom found someone in the croud that was getting something out of his coat. When he saw a metal, shining back in his goggles, he knew what was going on. Tom jumped at Edd, making them both fall to the ground, 'missing' the bullet. Tom was lucky tho, the shot just scratched him. Just a few millimetres closer and he would die on that stage.

  While he was wandering around his head, he arrived to a little white lobby. Behind the desk was Jenny. She was ok most of the times. She did what she had to do, sometimes helped the less injured people when doctors, nurses and assistants didn't have time.

  He still remembered when he had to wait really long time to get checked if he didn't have broken finger after a big box with supplies fell onto his foot. As he waited, the woman made him company, making the time run faster. He discovered that she was from Poland and came here because of her boyfriend.

  As he approached the counter, Jenny crossed her arms. "You're late, bluebird." No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't hide the smirk that was growing on her face.

  "I know." Tom mumbled and went inside. "And don't call me like that." He said over his shoulder, before the doors shut.

  The smell of disinfection punched him in the face. 'Yuck.' He continued wandering around the hall, trying to find the right room, where Lucy was making check ups. He was lucky today that almost no one was here, so it should be easy.

  When he found a white door labled: MUDr. Lucy Wattsen, he stopped. He breathed in and out, then knocked. A short woman with black ponytail and glasses opened. Her gentle smile turned into a thin line. Without any words she got out of the way and closed the doors behind the man.

  "Thomas, what time it is?"

  He knew he was in trouble. "Ten AM?"

  "And when were you suppose to get here?" The doctor nodded at the table with blanket over it, telling him to sit down.

  "I know that I'm late, I had stuff to do." meanwhile he jumped up the platform, waiting for more instructions.

  "Two hours, Thomas. Two! Do you know how much time that is? What if soldiers came back from a mission?" Lucy's tone slowly changed from angry to worried. She went to the male and grabbed a box of medical supplies from under the desk.

  "It's not that bad, calm down, I'm fine." He groaned like a little kid.

  "Vest and shirt off." She commanded him while digging for what she needed. 

Tom just simply did what she told him and put his cloths next to him. It didn't take that long for him to get little cold. After all, it was autumn and the rooms weren't filled with radiators.  

He looked around, tapped one of his feet while the doctor started to take off the bandages he wrapped himself in last night. He didn't want to bother the medic team that checked Edd after the speech so he tried to take care of it himself. When Lucy noticed this early morning how he had minor problems with walk, she imidiatly told him the time he could visit her. Well, not could, but had to.  

The doctor threw the bandage in a bin and started to disinfect the wound. "So, anything interesting that happened?" The woman asked while smiling. 

Well, there was the incident, but everyone saw that. Then the little chitchats he had with Tord, but he would want to leave that just between the two of them. Some paperwork, nonstopping fights with red army, stressed out government calls... Not much to talk about. "Not really." He shrugged and listened to the quiet tunes Lucy was listening in one of her headphones.  

"Oh? Well I heard that you're spending a lot of time with our new prisoner." She started to unwrap a big plaster from one of the little boxes. It was funny to see her battle over something like that. 

"I just want to know what he's up to. It makes me sleep at night, knowing that he can't escape and murder anyone in the base." Tom looked at the big patch and thanked the doctor. He grabbed his stuff and started to dress up again.  

"He wouldn't. When I talked to him, he seemed... Like a quiet kid, misudersood." Tom didn't know why, but that made him so angry. Did the woman just forgot who were they talking about? A killer that looked his victims in the eyes while he was torturing them to death. He was a monster that didn't care about anyone else then himself and she was saying that he was just 'misunderstood'?! 

"Tord is coldblooded killed, that will achieve his goals no matter how many lifes will it cost, no matted how many people will suffer just because he wants to. He's not innocent. He's just a sadistic cunt that makes you trust him and when he pleases, he will kill you for fun!" Tom yelled. His heart was racing, he could hear his blood boil in his ears. "Have a nice day." Were the last words before he slamed the doors behind him.

As he walked, people around him stepped out of his way, knowing that this guy could beat the shit out of them any time.  

After a few minutes, he finally appeared at his apartment. It was a nice big room with king sized bed, some nightstands and one big closet. He dropped onto the bed, imidiatly grabbed an open bottle of Smirnoff and started the chug the little what he left last night.  

When the bottle was empty, he left it next to the nightstand. He tried to reach for another one, but dind't succeed. After a few tries, he gave up and just... stared at the ceiling. It was a dark blue color like the walls that surrounded him.

Before he could even blink, someone knocked on his door. 'What now?' with a low growl of annoyance, he stood up and went to the god damn entrance. Behind it stood a slim soldier, already saluting. "Sir, The Rebelian Leader wants to meet you in his office, Sir."

Tom narrowed his digital eyes. "When should I be there, Henry?"

"Sir, as fast as possible, Sir."

Tom mummbled some cursewords under his breath while locking the appartment again and heading out for Edd's office. Seriously, what was that important, that he couldn't solve it without him?

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