Chapter Seven: Isabella's Secret

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Chapter Seven: Isabella's Secret

Pain was all I felt when I slowly came to consciousness. Pain everywhere; all over my body. I let out a groan and opened my eyes to a dimly lit room. The first thing I noticed was that it wasn’t mine. It wasn’t my room nor was it my hotel room. I looked around, my eyes roaming the walls and ceiling. My head throbbed with a bad headache and when I tried to move, jolts of pain shot up my spine and my back screamed out protests, announcing its soreness.

I groaned again, this time louder. Wait… I kind of recognized this room…

“Toby?” I called out, my voice strained.

“You’re awake… Finally.” He said, as he walked through the door, with a bottle of pills and a glass of some sort of liquid. “Here,” he said, handing me the glass and two pills. “Take those.” Toby watched me take the pills, then sat down on the floor beside the bed. “Now tell me where it hurts…” he said quietly.

Since I’d waked up, my mind had yet to process what had happened just last night. Now it all hit me as I struggled to decipher which parts of my body hurt.

“My head is pounding, my face hurts… and I think my back is sore.” I tried to sit up to get a better look at Toby. I wasn’t worried about myself; it was his pain I was concerned about. My back decided it wanted me to stay down, and I could tell by the shocks of pain. “Yeah… my back is definitely sore….”

“Why don’t you sleep a while, and maybe that headache will wear off.” He suggested, standing up.

“I can’t…” I whispered.

“And why not?”

“I’m an insomniac. I have trouble getting to sleep.”

Toby sighed and ran a hand through his hair, making it stick up everywhere in that messy but massively adorable sort of way.

“Do you have any medication you take for it?”

“At the hotel.”

“I was afraid you’d say that…”

It was silent for a moment. I watched Toby. He seemed to be contemplating something. There was nothing funny about how serious he looked right now. It didn’t seem right. Toby was a naturally fun, playful person. Seeing him act serious in this way was just wrong.

“Maybe it would be a good idea for you to just go home, okay?”

My heart dropped. He didn’t want me here. He didn’t want to be around me anymore. “I can’t.”

“Why not?”

“That guy… he stole my money to get home. And I live all the way across the country in Florida.

Toby sighed. “You just enjoy making this difficult for me, don’t you?”

I took offense to his comment. Just because he was tired of me, didn’t mean he had to say things like that to me. “I’m sorry. It’s not my fault my best friend left me for some guy, some guy almost raped me, and then you took it upon yourself to take care of me.”

A flash of hurt showed in Toby’s eyes. “I didn’t mean it like that.”

“Sure sounded like you did.” I growled and threw the covers back, to stand up. My eyes caught a glimpse of blue. I looked down. My purple skinnies had been taken off and replaced with black Soffe shorts and my shirt had gone through the same process, only to change into a blue Tobuscus t-shirt. Which was a little too large for me.

“Who the hell changed me?!” I cried, fearing the worst.

Toby turned scarlet, and rubbed the back of his neck. “Me?” he suggested.

I whipped my head up to stare wide-eyed at him. “Yo-You took my clothes off my body and put new ones on me?!”

Now, don’t get me wrong. I sure as hell didn’t mind Toby Turner taking clothes off my body. In fact, if I wasn’t already angry with him, I’d have jumped him and he’d be in huge trouble. His clothes might have had to come off also. But just the fact that he’d done it, without my permission, made me infuriated. Not to mention, the fact that I was already mad at him.

“I’m sorry!” he cried, defending himself. “It’s just that the ones you had on were dirty and bloody! And I didn’t take anything else off besides your shirt and pants, I promise!”

I clenched my teeth together and glared angrily at him. “Believe me; I want to go home as much as you want me to. If I had the money, I’d be out of here in a heartbeat.”

“No, Bella, I didn’t mean it like that, I promise.” He pleaded as I walked out of his room and into the living room, where Sean, Jack, and Kristin sat watching television.

“Sleeping Beauty’s up!” Jack smiled, despite the pain it caused him because of the huge gash above his eyebrow.

Kristin, who was cleaning the wound, turned from what she was doing and smiled also.

“Everything okay with you guys?” Sean asked, concern showing on his face. He must have heard the yelling…

“Just fucking dandy.” I growled, plopping down beside him.

“Anyone hungry?” Toby asked nervously, walking into the kitchen.

“Yeah, dude, let’s call for pizza!” Jack suggested.

“Stop moving!” Kristin shouted at Jack.

“I’m sorry!” Jack replied.

It was then that I realized just how close to Sean I was. I blushed and wondered what the hell I should do. If I moved away, for one, it’d be rude. Two, he’d know I’d felt uncomfortable. And three, he’d notice how close I was to him also, which would embarrass me. But if I stayed, I’d be uncomfortable and it kind of weirded me out.

“Toby told me about you passing out on the VidCon stage. If you keep getting into trouble like this, we’re going to have to lock you in a room or put you in a mental asylum to you can’t hurt yourself.”

I whipped my head to Jack, fear evident on my face.

His eyes widened. “I’m just kidding! Chill!”

I let out a breathe I’d been holding in. Good. They didn’t need to know. They didn’t need to know about…

“Guys! Pizza’s here!” Toby shouted from his door as he handed the delivery guy the money.

I was thankful for that. Now I wouldn’t have to sit here in awkward silence. We all got up and headed toward the kitchen. Just as I was passing by, I watched Sean give me a suspicious look. My breathing hitched. Did he know? He couldn’t possibly know, could he? We’d just have to find out…

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