Chapter Nine: Payback

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Chapter Nine: Payback

“You don’t have to stay at the hotel by yourself. My home is your home.” Toby told me, keeping his eyes set firmly on the road.

 “No, I’m fine. I don’t need a babysitter anymore, Toby.”

He chuckled. “Could have fooled me. Got to stop getting in trouble and getting yourself hurt.”

I rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out at him. He didn’t see, though. He was still staring at the road.

“I’m serious, Bella. I’d rather you stay with me, so I can keep an eye on you and see that you get better and find a way home somehow.”

I groaned. “Toby, just stop worrying about me! I’m a big girl! I can handle myself!”

“Alright, alright! But if you get into anymore thug trouble, I swear I’ll-”

“Don’t threaten me.” I growled out playfully at him.

He turned to look at me and smiled. Once again, we pulled up into the parking lot of my hotel, and we both got out.

“Do I need to carry you up to your room again?” Toby asked, teasingly.

I narrowed my eyes. “I can manage.”

I walked with him up to my room, and caught him smiling and staring at me once in the elevator.

I pushed my door open, after the green light flashed and walked in. I turned to look at Toby. His hands were shoved in his pockets.

“Another goodbye…” I whispered and he nodded solemnly. He looked up at me, his face serious. “I’m serious, Bella. If you feel like you’re alone here, you can call me. Please call me if you get into any more trouble.” He took out a pen and scribbled his number onto the back of my hand. “You’re always welcome in my home.”

I smiled sadly at him. “Thanks…”

We stood there awkwardly for a moment, before Toby stepped forward, pulling me into him, and crushing me into a hug. I hugged him back, trying desperately not to cry. Toby pulled away, smiling softly at me and stepped back.

“Don’t forget my offer.” He said.

I nodded. “I won’t.”

“Bye, Bellabuscus.” He said, smiling.

I laughed. “Bye, Toby.”

I pushed the door closed and sighed, staring at the light colored wood. I took a deep breath and pulled the door back open, roughly. “Toby!” I called.

He turned from the open elevator doors to look at me. “Yeah?” he called back.

“I changed my mind!”

He smiled. “Knew you would.”

“You don’t… have to sleep on the couch, Toby…” I said, feeling extremely bad that Toby had given me his bed, and he had to sleep on the couch.

“It’s fine, Bella. Got to be a gentleman.”

Toby bowed to me and I laughed, resisting all urges to jump him.

“I’m serious. Don’t sleep on the couch.”

“Where am I supposed to sleep then? The floor? LIKE GRYPHON?!” Toby cried, looking appalled.

“Noooo…” I whined. “You’re going to sleep in the bed… With me.” I blushed and turned away quickly.

Toby stared at me horrified. “With… a girl?!” he whispered.

I pushed his shoulder back playfully. “Yes, with a girl! What else am I?”

“I don’t know.” He shrugged. “A dog?”

I gasped. “Excuse me?!”

“A girl dog.” He said, pressing his forehead to mine.

I highly planned on pushing my lips up against his, but before I could, he pulled away, grinning at me.

“Know what girl dogs are called?” he asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

“What?” I asked, feeling disappointed about not getting to kiss him again.

“A bitch.”

I gasped and looked up at him, shocked. “WHAT?!” I cried.

Toby smirked and started running towards his room. I immediately took off after him.

“TOBY JOE TURNER, GET YOUR CUTE SELF BACK HERE!” I shouted, as he dashed into his room and jumped onto his bed.

I ran after him, pushing his door open and halted to a stop as I came to his bed. He was lying on his back, his shoulders propping his upper half of his body up. He had one eyebrow raised and was smirking at me.

I clenched my teeth a glared at him. “How dare you. I’ll hurt you.” I said, lowly and started towards him.

“Ooh, I’m so scared.” He said, feigning terror.

I got to the end of the bed and climbed onto it. I crawled on top of him and pushed his upper half down. I leaned down to his ear and whispered, “You should be.” Then I pressed my lips to his neck. His body lay still and motionless underneath me, as I continued to trail gentle kisses down his neck. “Toby…?” I whispered in his ear.

“Yeah?” he asked, voice hoarse.

I smirked to myself and instead of kissing his neck again, I bit down on it, hard, probably drawing blood.

“Ow!” he cried and pushed me off him. His hand flew to his neck, and I sat up, crossing my arms across my chest.

“That’s what happens when you call me a bitch!”

He glared at me. “You’ll pay for that.”

I laughed and mimicked him. “Ooh, I’m so scared!”

He sat up quickly and suddenly crushed his lips into mine. I made a small squeak sound, shocked. I was quick to respond though, and wrapped my arms around his neck. He pushed himself against me, as he tangled his fingers in my hair. I groaned as his free hand ran its way down my back and up under my shirt. He took that as an invitation to push his tongue into my mouth, and I gladly accepted. Our tongues caressed each other’s, until he slowly pulled away, probably to breathe.

I stared at him, my face flushed, breathing heavily. Suddenly, Toby looked up at me, his hazel eyes sparkling. “Know what this means, don’t you?” he asked me.

I nodded and pushed him back down onto the bed. His lips captured mine again and I realized that I’d never felt so ready for this in my life.

--AN: ._. So, thanks to Rocky- , you guys will get… I believe her words were, ‘a sexual chappie’. XD But, next chapter. Because I don’t want to start it right at the end of this. You guys love me.(: By the way, that picture is just so adorable to me! xD ---> --

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