Chapter 8

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🇺🇸 America 🇺🇸
I walked down the hall quickly, heart still pounding as I looked for any signs of Russia. I looked at the floor to see if there was any blood from his lip, but realized the sound China caused probably wasn't bad enough to make it bleed that quickly.

Where would he have gone? He sure as hell won't be in class right now, and not the nurse... maybe the bathroom?

I entered the men's bathroom cautiously and looked around, yet I saw nothing. I silently walked back out and crossed my arms.

Where else...

I chewed my inner lip, trying to think quickly. Soon enough s thought came to my mind.

The roof?

Not hesitating, I quickly made my way to the stairwell and ran up to the door, pushing it open hesitantly with shaking hands. Sure enough, there was Russia, pacing back and forth, moving his hands from behind his head to in front of him while looking down, as if he was panicked. The look on his face was a mix between shock and rage as he muttered some stuff to himself and continued pacing. I slowly came out and closed the door, leaning back on it. He didn't seem to notice me, and I wasn't sure if I should say anything or not. My lips betrayed me before my mind could think.

"R-russia?" I choked out against my own will. He stopped pacing immediately and looked over at me, face completely blank. I saw his hand trembling and the blood running down his chin from the split in his lip as he did. "Russia are you okay?"

"Why did you follow me?" He said coldly.

"I-I didn't really follow you... I didn't know whe-where you were, I just wanted to make sure you were okay..." I stuttered out, fumbling my hands together nervously. He just stared at me blankly, as if he was holding back his feelings and trying to keep calm, deep in his own thoughts.

"You don't need to be here Ameryka, just go away." He snapped, slowly starting to pace again. I had my grip on the door handle but I hesitated before coming closer a few steps, slowly. He just looked at me again, his expression slightly vexed and a little confused.

"What are you doing, I said go away." He repeated. I slowly reached out my shaking hand to touch his arm, testing the water before diving in. I stared into his eyes, watching his face for a reaction. After he continued blankly staring at me for a minute, I slowly walked forward and hugged him. I was cautious and treaded lightly, worried how he would react. His entire body was tense against me. With my head pressed to his chest, I could hear how fast his heart was beating and how fast he was breathing. He just stood there frozen, arms beside him trembling.

"What the hell are you doing..." he said slowly, his voice starting to quiver a little.

"I'm just... I don't know." I replied, still holding him with my arms shaking. After a good long minute I felt him let out a shaky breath as he put his arms around my shoulders and upper back as well, hugging me in return. I could feel his hands trembling against me but I stayed quiet, just hugging him. I tightened my grip around his waist a little and pursed my lips, thinking deeply. (He's shorter than Rus so his arms are lower, duh)

After another moment he felt something drip down onto his face. He reached one hand up and wiped off his cheek, seeing blood on his fingers. He pulled away a little and looked up at russia, seeing his lip bleeding still.

"Russia..." he said slowly, almost in a scolding tone. He reached up with his hand shaking and gently wiped the blood off of his chin and lip, looking into his eyes still, unsure what his reaction would be. If it hurt Russia at all, he didn't show it. He just looked down blankly into the American's eyes, unsure how to react.

"How the fuck are you not scared of me now." He mumbled slowly and quietly, his accent thick with some emotion as he thought deeply.

"I mean... you did scare me... but I'm n-not scared of you..." he said awkwardly.

"I told you I'm not someone to fuck with... nobody just insults my father and gets away with it." He said, his tone becoming angry again. His grip around America tightened and almost drove the breath from he shorter boy's lungs. Looking down at America, Russia realized that and released him.

He just stared at America for a good long moment, deep in his thoughts. Eventually he just blinked and stepped away from America even further, causing the shorter country give him a semi-confused face. He quickly just pushed past America and rushed out the door while saying, "I have to go."

America looked down at his hands and held them out in the open. He saw Russia's blood on his hand, and he just stood there, thinking.

What now?

Hey crew, this chapter was kinda a random filler I guess. Nothing much really happened.

If you have any ideas for me, put them in the comments. I'll be glad to see them.

See you all in the next one, buh-byeeeeee

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