The Fallen

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As soon as Kyran floored the accelerator pedal, the four passengers (and one trembling cat) sped off. He had no clue as to where exactly he was driving,  but he knew he had to find somewhere to stay, at least for the night. He drove from the flaming apartment as it illuminated the Land Rover from behind, and fled into the pitch black night.

He hated night driving, as he could hardly see what was in front of him, and he was also secretly afraid he'd run over a cat that might run out into the road. Despite his fears, he had no choice but to abandon the apartment, leaving everything, except for a bag of clothing, keys, and Kyran's black cat, Muffin.

Leliel and Anastasia jammed themselves into the back of the Land Rover,the bag of clothing in the middle seat, separating them both. Ciara sat in the front passenger's seat, and Kyran drove the Land Rover in the driver's seat, Muffin perched on his lap and shuddering with fear. It seemed that the fire hadn't only terrified humans, but a dainty black cat, too.

Kyran kept his focus on the road, driving through the dark night. Although the fire should have shaken him up, just like Muffin, his emotions were balanced out, all thanks to Ciara. He was just as happy as he was numb. He may have turned insane if it weren't for her telling him she loved him back. The fact that Anastasia, Leliel and Cynfael had shown up at his apartment over the last few days would have proved too much for him, but Ciara managed to keep him sane. It was as if she had forgotten completely about him trying to kill her, and him murdering her (now ex) boyfriend. For some odd reason, she trusted him completely, perhaps because of how kind he'd been in order to make up for his misdeeds (taking her out shopping, feeding, sheltering and clothing her, ect.)

The Land Rover was filled with silence as Kyran drove through the winding roads. Regardless of what had happened, Anastasia stayed cool and calm, whilst Leliel was the most panicked of them all, excluding Muffin. He was worried about whether Cynfael started the fire in the apartment in an attempt to kill Ciara, or whether it was actually a common household fire. Although he had only recently found Ciara again, he was protective of her, and also was worried for her safety and well being. He didn't want to lose her all over again.

The full moon hung high in the sky in the starry autumn night, especially at three o' clock in the morning. Pulling the Land Rover into a car park of a budget hotel named 'Hugh's Hotel', he opened the door,picking up Muffin in his arms. The air was as cold as any other autumn's night in England, and the ground was damp as Kyran stepped out of the Land Rover. The others also followed him towards the hotel, Anastasia carrying the bag of clothing.

From the outside, it seemed almost pleasant, painted in a clean white coat of paint, and a faded red tile roof on the top. The sign stating the hotel's name was huge and flashing neon colours, and a smaller sign below it read 'Vacancies', with 'No Vacancies' unlit beside it.

Kyran pushed open the door to the hotel, and was instantly hit with how different the outside was compared to the inside. He took the repulsive scent as if it were a punch to the gut. It smelled of mould, dirt and dust, as if no one had hired a cleaner since it was built. Grubby black marks lined the walls; dust settled in a thick blanket over every piece of furniture. At a dusty counter stood a man with a pot belly, who wore an equally as grimy white vest top that revealed most of his arm and chest hair. His face reminded Ciara of a pig - possibly because his skin was almost bright red, his nose was turned upwards, and because of his unkempt mutton chops. He rested in a wooden chair behind the desk, and only put his head up when the group walked through the door.

"Welcome ta' Hugh's Hotel," he said in a deep, unenthusiastic voice. "It's a tenner a night for a single room, fifteen for a double." His voice was speaking in a barren monotone, and something about his accent told Kyran he wasn't from around London.

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