ukraine/canada- should've told me you were sick

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yeah boyy.  i just watched this show on chernobyl and holy shit it was sad.  this is all fluffly stuff. also ukraine's bigger then canada in this.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


shit, ukraine thought.  he felt like that.  right now, ukraine was lying in bed, feeling like this thanks to radiation poisoning.  it had been almost thirty years ago, but his body made it feel like it was yesterday.

belarus and russia had radiation too, but his was the worst.  the day chernobyl had happened, ukraine was on the brink of dying, with what he felt.  he was throwing up and burning and burning.  it was also with the added embarrassment of the whole world knowing what happened, and let's just say USSR was not happy.

ukraine still had awful pain and sickness someday's but, he managed.  today though, he felt bad.  like really bad.  canada had invited him to his house, and now ukraine couldn't even move to text him with how bad he felt.  each ping of a message tugged on his heartstrings, knowing it was canada.

so he just lied on his bed, wondering why he let this happen.  ukraine always thought he was a pretty strong person like USSR had raised him to be, and that he was at least not a small country, and that he could defend himself.  chernobyl changed that completely.

no longer was he soviet ukraine, he was poisoned weak ukraine.  he was a stupid teenager back then and thanks to that, he was a dying adult.  thankfully, after the incident, USSR and everyone else changed the way they used nuclear power plants, since none of them wanted to end up like ukraine.

when he finally was able to get up, it was dark out.  it was almost eight.  ukraine checked his phone and with no doubt, tons of messages from canada were there.  he started to panic after reading the messages since canada had decided to go to him now.  classic canada.  always worrying about everyone.

it was quite nice though, which is how they became friends in the first place.  the nice thoughts distracted him from the pain for a moment before realizing he looked like shit.  his shirt and pants were disgusting since he hadn't showered so he changed really quickly and in the process, he threw up again.  ew.

he cringed at the idea that canada was gonna see him like this.  he really didn't want 'nada worrying about him when he could handle it fine.

the doorbell rung and he got up with his body aching to go get it, searching for an excuse for why he didn't come.  ukraine felt really bad about it, he didn't want to hurt his feelings, ever.  canada didn't deserve that.  the poor thing was nice to north korea.  who does that?  not even south is nice to north, and he's his brother.

he opened the door to a smiling canada that suddenly looked worried when looking at ukraine.  ukraine grimaced in his head.  he really didn't want canada to worry.  but it was too late now.

"oh hey ukraine!  sorry to barge in but i didn't know if you were okay and are you okay-"  he began to ramble before ukraine interupted.

"canada, i'm alright dude.  sorry for not answering, i'm not feeling to great."  well ебать. he  regretted saying that because immediately  he knew what canada was gonna say.

"aw, that sucks.  do you want me to get you anything?  i can stay over if you want?" canada pressed and for a moment ukraine actually considered, before going back to his original thoughts.  he will not have canada take care of him.

"no, no.  i'm fi-" mid-fucking-sentence he felt like he was gonna throw up.  "ah shit," he muttered as he suddenly ran to his trash and threw up.  he heard a panicked voice in the background and then felt a warm hand rubbing his back as he threw up more of his nonexistent lunch.  there was no way he could convince canada that he was fine now.

he finally stopped throwing up, he realized the hand was gone and a towel was held out to him so he grabbed it.  he looked up to see canada looking a bit too worried.  he hated when he was worried.

before ukraine could say something canada said, "there is no way you're fine dude.  and there is no way i am not gonna care for you."  canada had a small smile at the end of the sentence that made ukraine's stomach flutter, even if it was empty.

"you've got the biggest heart 'nada."

"well not really, and besides, you are basically my best friend, i wanna help!"  he giggled back.  ukraine might as well give up now with how cute canada was acting.  it was a good distraction from his pain.

"oh jeez ukraine,  you really are sick.  do you have any medication?" he muttered under his breath.  he thankfully nodded and pointed to a cabinet.  canada knew ukraine didn't like being coddled but, this was an exception.  ukraine looked really sick, probably from radiation, which just raised canada's worrying.

ukraine watched canada grabbing the medicine as he bit his lip.  he might as well try and tame the worry in canada because he couldn't handle seeing canada unhappy.  it made his heart beat the wrong way, but he'd never admit that.

"hey don't worry too much.  if you want you can stay the night, though i'll be sick the whole time," he chuckled which seemed to help put 'nada at ease.  canada turned back with a glass of water and a pill smiling softly.

"oh sure,  i'd love that.  it can make up for not hanging out with me,"  he said softly back as ukraine took the pill.  he got up from the floor where he had resided and walked over to the couch, motioning for canada to come sit down.  canada came to sit down and the two of them just talked about nothing for a bit till ukraine's stomach growled, since he hadn't ate much during the day, along with throwing up.  canada seemed to perk up to this.

"you hungry?  i could make you something.  my mom taught me how to make this kind of soup that's super frickin' good,"  canada said with a half smile at ukraine.  soup sounded nice.

"sure 'nada.  lemme help you get the stuff."

"but you are s-"

"nope, none of that," ukraine said cutting canada off getting up following him to the kitchen.  canada flushed when he saw ukraine's muscles under his shirt when he got up.  even if he wasn't all that strong, it still made canada freak out with how nice he always looked.  thank goodness that ukraine didn't notice his blush. "now what do you need to cook?"

"erm- i need,  oh what was it?"  canada said face twisting in confusion which was cute to ukraine.  wait what? he thought.  "oh yeah!  i need corn, um bread, chicken, and tomato soup.  it's actually really easy to make."

so for the next twenty minutes they cooked talking about stuff that was going on, even though the both of them were thinking about the other.  ukraine had to sit down in the middle of it because of his headache, but canada didn't mind.

when the soup was finally ready ukraine's house smelt delicious and it made him more hungry then ever.  he was thankful that he hadn't thrown up again since he probably threw up everything.  so he got up to grab some bowls and bumped into canada in the process.

"oh ah jesus- you scared me,"  canada said while the both of them were frozen in position.  canada was faced towards ukraine,  but he'd fallen into his chest and quickly moved up.  ukraine shrugged it of even with a red face and continued to get the bowls while canada was freaking out in his head.

canada grabbed the bowls from him with a small "thank you," and turned to the soup, getting some for him and ukraine.  ukraine had already left to the living room to put on a movie so canada brought both of the bowls, setting them down of ukraine's coffee table.  he was still searching for a movie.

"what about a horror movie?"  he said with a smug grin, knowing that 'nada hated horror movies.  "what- no!  you know i hate horror movies!"  canada said back faking anger in his voice while also giggling.

they finally agreed on a movie and sat back drinking soup.  ukraine had to admit that it was really fucking good.  canada was a good cook so it didn't surprise him all that much.  around the end of the movie canada had passed out on ukraine's shoulder, and he couldn't bring himself to move so they fell asleep like that.

...till ukraine had to throw up again.

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