america/russia- dance dance revolution

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well feck, here we are.  requested by my evil friend.  also america isn't all shy n' shit.  i live in the U.S.  bruh, americans ain't shy, they are cocky as hell.  russia's just timid tho.  the name really doesn't correlate(wtf kind of word english) with the writing, i just like dance dance revolution.  nothing in this is really accurate and i don't even know about the ending.  interpret it however you want.


today was the meet up with many countries at the european union's headquarters, though many invited folks not in the union.  russia would've been alright if it was just china and japan or something but, it turned out that someone invited canada and america.

he swore he'd kill whoever it was, but it was most likely france, and honestly france is pretty cool.  the russian had already dressed, since it was a nice dinner party of sorts, so he was wearing attire that he already disliked.

it was a white dress shirt, black pants, nicer shoes, and a coat USSR had given him.  he despised the coat but it was one of the only nice things he owned.  after russia had finished contemplating if he wanted to actually fucking go,  he just agreed to since ukraine would be pissed if he didn't.

so russia started his engine and drove to the headquarters.  meanwhile, canada and america were walking to the place since neither of them knew how to drive the cars in europe.  america was excited to see his parents and finally go inside the EU's building, since nobody wanted him inside.

canada had been invited by germany, which surprised him because even on good terms, they didn't talk that often.  he accepted anyways and asked america to come with him so he isn't all alone.  america obviously said yes but secretly had doubts since he knew russia would be coming.

they weren't on the best terms right now, especially after USSR had passed.  america didn't hate the past soviet country but he knew that russia hated him.  america remembers when he was a child, and now he's the largest country yet.

russia was always a cold strict person.  he knew it was due to USSR, the man was harsh.  but it didn't seem like russia was nice with anyone but siblings and everytime they tried speaking, they ended up pissed at each other.

america thought that he could talk with him and try to at least be allies.  even back when USSR was around, he never really knew anything about the man.  and he wished he did because his death changed a lot of things but he never really knew why.

america and canada finally arrived at the headquarters building which was larger then america thought, for all the countries in the EU.  the party had already began but neither of the two minded, since they were only a few minutes late.

canada knocked on the door and only a few seconds after, lithuania opened the door letting them inside.  even if it was a "meet up," like the EU said it was, it still looked like a party.  countries dancing, talking, or getting wasted.  america was surprised that russia wasn't getting wasted, but standing to the side, with children.  probably some of his siblings.

canada had left his side to go speak with some of the other counties but america had started to walk over to russia.  thankfully russia hadn't noticed he was coming over or he probably would've left.  since the party started, russia just thought america wouldn't show, but was unpleasantly surprised when he saw america walking up to him.

he really didn't want to talk with anyone, but his siblings were with him and they also noticed the american country walking toward him.

"russia! look, the america man is gonna say hi," belarus said jumping around.  ukraine had left her and kazakhstan with russia, which he didn't mind since he wasn't doing anything.  russia sighed and tried to ignore his siblings talk of the USA.  he did find it amusing because they knew very little about america.  but it wasn't like he knew much about him either.

his amusement was interrupted by a greeting from the one and only american himself.  почему я..he thought.

"ах привет америка," he responded.  america grinned at the fact that russia was actually speaking with him.  russia with so pent up from america that he didn't realize that belarus and kazakhstan had left to the sweets table, though he wouldn't care anyways.

"so i see you got left with duties of children, why not dance instead?"

"what? why would i dance?  i am fine with watching over моя семья," russia said defensively, clearly not wanting to speak with the shorter country.  america didn't seem to care though.  he seemed to like it when russia got riled up.

"hey i didn't mean it in a bad way, just you should live it up a little.  you want to dance with me or not?" america said confidently, the russian realizing what he meant with a blush creeping onto his face.

"Что за черт, no i don't want to.  i don't dance."  america knew this wasn't true since he had seen russia dance before, though he was super wasted.  america didn't let his hopes down yet because he was a bit stubborn and liked things going his way, as canada nicely put it.

russia had turned trying to ignore the other country and give a sign that he did not want to continue the conversation, and america ignored it.  "hey babe, this party isn't on forever, come on," he said abruptly, freaking out russia.  what did america just call him?!

"no! and don't call me that..смущает," he said quickly, while the american man grinned.  it was obvious that russia was flustered by the nickname and it made him want to melt into the ground.  america was just amazed that russia didn't start screaming at him in anger, like usual.  maybe "nicknames" weren't an issue.

"aw why?  i can choose another if ya want.  now, are we dancing or not princess?" america said inching closer to the man, reveling in the blush on russia's face worsening with the words.  the russian turned completely finally, which caused him to bump into america, making him jump.

"а что ?!  princess?  i am not that so stop calling me it.  i don't dance-"

"well you look like one darling, and you sure as hell can dance so i don't see the issue."

russia shut up after that.  his face was almost as red as his father's face and he was more coy and shy then america had ever seen.  it was hilarious and also caused a sense of pride to america, while the russian was so flustered he thought he was melting like antartica.

after a few moments of silence, russia said with a sigh, "if i dance with you, will you stop calling me those ужасный names?  and leave me alone?" america looked up into russia's eyes in glee.  fina-fuckin-lly!

america backed away with a smile, "of course, but can't promise it.  now let's dance hon."  he grabbed russia's hand and pulled him to the dance floor, where tons of other countries danced.  canada and ukraine noticed the pair, chuckling to themselves, wanting to see how this played out.

in the end, it mainly proved, russia may not hate nicknames as much as america thought.

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