im back!

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hi y'all! do most of you don't care or just didn't notice, i've been gone for a while now! to be honest, i didn't have a lot of motivation for writing, and i don't really have that much now. i felt like all of my writing was shit (kinda was) and i just felt really irrelevant fjfjfjhf. i was also going through shit, and my mind just kinda went insane, but i'm all good now!

since my time here, i've outgrown things and gone into new thing. if you come here expecting me to talk about 80s again, i'm sorry but you've come to the wrong place. although i do enjoy the movies, it's not a fandom i'm in anymore. i've grown a liking to kpop though, so if you wanna talk about that i'm more than willing!

i honestly thought i would ever come back to writing on this app, but i'm but now, i'm back baby 😎😎😎. don't expect updates or anything like that jfjfjtjdj. i might be gone for like another year so i apologize in advance :) anyways, i hope y'all have a good day/afternoon/night and watch stranger things season three and stan loona 🤩

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