stranger things 😳 *spoilers*

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hello y'all. if you didn't know, i'm a fan of stranger things. am i as big as a fan i used to be, no, but i still enjoy it a lot. as many of you know, season three was released today! i was very excited, as the show has been on break for over a year.

now i'm gonna do a spoiler review , so if you haven't watched it DONT READ!!!

so, if ur butthurt by this, THIS IS MY OPINION, WHICH IM ENTITLED TO HAVE! you may not agree with me, and that's perfectly ok! also by what i say, i mean NO hate to the actors WHATSOEVER. it's just the duffer bros, because it seems like they threw the entire show out and into the trash :)

please don't read this just to cancel me djfnjfjfjd

spoilers here: now by watching the trailers, i could already tell that this season was focused more on romance. with mike and el, perhaps will and mike 😳 (byler all the way, change my mind), jonathan and robin, max and lucas, etc. and lemme tell you, it was a lot. it was kinda upsetting the amount of romance that they had. if it were more lowkey, i feel like i would've enjoyed it more. stranger things is a supernatural show, not a romance. some people may like that, and hey that's fine! but in my opinion it was just bad to watch :/. i think it was also trying to be "comedic" but i felt it wasn't that funny.

90% of the show was about the scoop gang (dustin, steve, and robin) and jopper bickering gjfjfj.the whole seasons was about "evil russians" which was cliche, and i thought that the US was bad (season 1)?? plus billy,,, BARF!!! BARFFFF!! that's all i have to say about that trash of a character. we saw basically no character development OR screen time with mike, will, max, lucas, jonathan, AND nancy. they had their "moments" and that was it! what the heck! it was mainly focused on steve, erica, and robin, who by the way are minor characters. if they were to have their own storyline, i feel like it should be a minor one compared to the main cast. this season, it was all about el and her powers, and it was just dumb in my opinion. it's all about her and her powers, what about will, who was foreshadowed to have powers SINCE SEASON 1!!! he has chased around by the MF all of season two, but for basically ignored the entire time,, QUOI?? ALSO THE ENDING??? WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT??? not only is joyce FORCING her kids and el to move, she's taking away their support system, is just straight up CRUEL. i also kinda saw it coming, which made it even more meaningless.

also the bonding,, what happened to el and will bro. i was waiting for that, but i got none. i found mike really bad to watch. it almost felt like his character was thrown out of the window. he became this big douche. some of y'all might say "oh it's because he broke up with eleven"... he was like that with eleven in my opinion.also will being gay and byler? basically thrown in the trash. having her be lesbian and to take her SEVEN episodes for it to come out is a JOKE. the fandom has been waiting for will to come out FOR THREE DAMN SEASONS!!! i know y'all might say "bruh mike said it",, that's not will coming out, period. also byler is dead and i'm fucking upset. what happened to season two duffer bros.

agh, so that's that, and i hope y'all enjoy. i pray that it gets so much better, because damn i was disappointed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2019 ⏰

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