Chapter 4

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"Merry Christmas!"
T H I R D  P E R S O N  P O V

Zoe woke up in her fathers arms. He was playing on his phone.

"Morning baby! Sleep well?" He asked putting his phone down.

"Awesome!" She said.

"We are going to a Christmas party later!" He said.

"Ooh Where!"

"At Kay's house!" He said.

She smiled went downstairs with her Dad.

She looked at all the presents under the Christmas tree.

They all grabbed sugar cookies and some milk and sat by the Christmas tree.

"Okay! This one is for Zoe!" Zach said handing her a gift.

One of the perks of of having a Christmas Eve birthday. Is that she got extra presents on Christmas because she liked to open them on Christmas.

She carefully opened the wrapping paper.

She took off the note.

'To Zoe Lily Potter,'
Is to be opened on her 8th birthday!'

Zoe opened the box opened the box.

Only to find many more boxes.

She pulled one out.

It had a locket.

"It's beautiful!" Zoe gasped.

Zoe opened it and laughed as she saw her brother holding me. The picture could move and the pair were both laughing and he dropped Zoe!

"How nice!" Zoe said.

She took out the next box and saw a stuffed toy. It was a bear, the same bear she had since she was born.

'How did it get there?' Zoe wondered.

She took out the final box and saw an old diary.

The front page read 'To my dearest Zoe'

They kept opening presents.

"Thank you Daddy!" Zoe said looking at the biggest gift.

She opened the wrapping paper and was shocked.

It was a bunch of dance and a bunch of gymnastics stuff.


She smiled as she looked at the clear box.

Zoe got up and went to hug her Dad.

"Let's get ready for the party!"

She went up to the room and went in her closet.

"Hmm what should I wear?"

After debating she chose a red off the shoulder elbow length dress, it was also knee high length.

She put on her white ballet tights and her flats.

Her dad curled her hair and went downstairs.

"Okay let's go!" She said.

They got to the party and they all so much fun.

"Merry Christmas!"  Said a voice behind Zoe.

She turned around and saw Chris.

"Merry Christmas, Chris!" Zoe said.

The party was so much fun, but Zoe was worn out by the end.

They said goodbye and left then party.

The Orphaned Potter| Harry Potter's Sister; Year: 1, Book: 1 (Ron Weasley x OC) Where stories live. Discover now