Chapter 6

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"An owl? Delivering post! This must be a joke!"

it's been years (6) since Zoe had been adopted.

Three years since she went to the turn it up national dance competition!

Every night she feel asleep thinking the same thought.

'How do I know that boy!?'

"Zoe if you knew him, he'd say congrats!" Said her best friend Julia.

Long story short, despite the young age, Caroline betrayed Zoe by telling The whole school her most embarrassing story.

She hadn't thought anything of it until she heard her saying mean things with the 'popular' girls, about her.

"But I know him! I know I do!" She replied with the same answer every time.

Zoe sat on her bed thinking.

'He has the same eyes as me, could we be related?!'

She heard a knock at her window.

"Why hello little owl!" She said cheerfully.

She took the letter from his hand.

"An owl delivering post! That must be a joke!" Said Julia.

'Ms Z Potter'

"Potter? My last names Besson!"

"School of witchcraft and wizardry! Oh I want to go there." Said Julia.

"Where can we get all this stuff?" Zoe Asked.

"Let's go ask your dad!" Julia said.

They skipped down the stairs.

"Daddy!" Asked Zoe.

"Yeah girls?" Zach asked.

"I got a letter. An acceptance letter to this school called Hogwarts! It's for witches and wizards!" Zoe said.

Her dad dropped his cup.

"Witches and wizards!" He said.

"You might want to see the Malfoy's for this!" He said.

"Why them! Mr Malfoy scares me!" She pouted.

"And why is it addressed to Z Potter?"

"Because that's your real last name!" He said.

Zoe frowned.

The headed over the Malfoy's after Julia left.

"Hello Zoe, Zach." Said Mr Malfoy with no emotion.

Her dad mumbled some words to home.

"Okay thank you! Come one Zoe!"

"Narssia!" Mr Malfoy called.

The Orphaned Potter| Harry Potter's Sister; Year: 1, Book: 1 (Ron Weasley x OC) Where stories live. Discover now